Albania 1978-JUN-15 - -   


ALBANIA (Tirana) UNO Member People´s Socialist Republic of ALBANIA : Enver Hoxha
FREE ALBANIA (New York) Exile FREE ALBANIA National Council : Rexhep Krasniqi

Other Entities with similar names

People´s Socialist Republic of ALBANIA

People´s Socialist Republic of ALBANIA

Flag or Logo since 1946-03-14
Republika Popullore Socialiste e SHQIPËRISË (sq) UNO Member
Emblem or Symbol

Enver Hoxha
(ruler of ALBANIA since 1944-11-29)
Capitals & administrative places: Tirana
Official & national languages: Albanian (sq) .


ALBANIA Socialist People´s Republic of ALBANIA  (Tirana)

27 Divisions:

BERAT BERAT District  (Berat)Local: Rrethe i BERATIT (sq)  (Berat)
DIBRA DIBRA District  (Peshkopia)Local: Rrethe i DIBRËS (sq)  (Peshkopijë)
DURRES DURRES District  (Durres)Local: Rrethe i DURRËSIT (sq)  (Durrësi)
ELBASAN ELBASAN District  (Elbasan)Local: Rrethe i ELBASANIT (sq)  (Elbasan)
FIER FIER District  (Fier)Local: Rrethe i FIERIT (sq)  (Fier)
GIROKASTER GIROKASTER District  (Girokaster)Local: Rrethe i GJIROKASTRËS (sq)  (Gjirokastër)
GRAMSH GRAMSH District  (Gramsh)Local: Rrethe i GRAMSHIT (sq)  (Gramsh)
KOLONJA KOLONJA District  (Kolonja)Local: Rrethi i KOLONJËS (sq)  (Kolonjë)
KORITZA KORITZA District  (Koritza)Local: Rrethe i KORÇËS (sq)  (Korçë)
KRUJA KRUJA District  (Kruja)Local: Rrethi i KRUJËS (sq)  (Krujë)
KUKES KUKES District  (Kukes)Local: Rrethe i KUKËSIT (sq)  (Kukësi)
LEZHA LEZHA District  (Lezha)Local: Rrethi i i LEZHËS (sq)  (Lezhë)
LIBRAZHD LIBRAZHD District  (Librazhd)Local: Rrethe i LIBRAZHDIT (sq)  (Librazhd)
LUSHNJA LUSHNJA District  (Lushnja)Local: Rrethe i LUSHNJËS (sq)  (Lushnjë)
MAT MAT District  (Burrel)Local: Rrethi i MATIT (sq)  (Burrel)
MIRDITA MIRDITA District  (Rreshen)Local: Rrethi i MIRDITËS (sq)  (Rrësheni)
PERMET PERMET District  (Permet)Local: Rrethi i PËRMETIT (sq)  (Përmet)
POGRADETS POGRADETS District  (Pogradetz)Local: Rrethi i POGRADECIT (sq)  (Pogradec)
PUKA PUKA District  (Puka)Local: Rrethe i PUKËS (sq)  (Pukë)
SARANDA SARANDA District  (Saranda)Local: Rrethi i SARANDËS (sq)  (Sarandë)
SCUTARI SCUTARI District  (Scutari)Local: Rrethe i SHKODRËS (sq)  (Shkodër)
SKRAPAR SKRAPAR District  (Corovoda)Local: Rrethe i SKRAPARIT (sq)  (Çorovodë)
STALIN CITY STALIN CITY Closed Military District  (Stalin City)Local: Rrethe i QYTETIT STALIN (sq)  (Qyteti Stalin)
TEPELENA TEPELENA District  (Tepelena)Local: Rrethi i TEPELENËS (sq)  (Tepelenë)
TIRANA TIRANA District  (Tirana)Local: Rrethe i TIRANËS (sq)  (Tiranë)
TROPOJA TROPOJA District  (Tropoja)Local: Rrethi i TROPOJËS (sq)  (Tropojê)
VLORA VLORA District  (Vlora)Local: Rrethe i VLORËS (sq)  (Vlorë)

27 Organisations or Groupings membership (selective)

CENTRAL BANK Bank for International Settlements : BIS  (Basle)
COMECON Council for Mutual Economic Assistance : CMEA  (Moscow)
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations : FAO Specialized Agency  (Rome)
FIFA Federation of International Football Association : FIFA  (Zurich)
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency : IAEA Specialized Agency  (Vienna)
ICJ International Court of Justice : ICJ  (The Hague)
INTER-PARLIAMENTARY UNION Inter-Parliamentary Union : IPU  (Geneva)
ISO International Organization for Standardization : ISO  (Geneva)
ITU International Telecommunication Union : ITU Specialized Agency  (Geneva)
LEAGUE OF RED CROSS League of Red Cross Societies : LORCS  (Geneva)
OLYMPIC GAMES International Olympic Committee : IOC  (Lausanne)
RED CROSS International Committee of the Red Cross : ICRC  (Geneva)
UN-HABITAT United Nations Human Settlements Programme : UN-HABITAT Specialized Agency  (Nairobi)
UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development : UNCTAD  (Geneva)
UNDP United Nations Development Programme : UNDP Specialized Agency  (New York)
UNEP United Nations Environmental Programme : UNEP Specialized Agency  (Nairobi)
UNESCO United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization : UNESCO Specialized Agency  (Paris)
UNHCR United Nations High Commission for Refugees : UNHCR Agency  (Geneva)
UNICEF United Nations International Children´s Emergency Fund : UNICEF Specialized Agency  (New York)
UNIFEM United Nations Development Fund for Women : UNIFEM  (New York)
UNITED NATIONS United Nations Organization : UNO  (New York)
UNOOSA Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies : OUTER SPACE Treaty  (Vienna)
UPU Universal Postal Union : UPU Specialized Agency  (Berne)
WFP World Food Programme : WFP  (Rome)
WHO World Health Organization : WHO Specialized Agency  (Pregny-Chambesy)
WMO World Meteorological Organization : WMO Specialized Agency  (Geneva)

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UPDATED ON: ~ 2024-JUN-09 ~ .