Burundi 1999-JAN-21 - ethnia.org -


BURUNDI (Bujumbura) UNO Member Republic of BURUNDI : President Pierre Buyoya
BURUNDI HUTUS (Bujumbura) Rebellion HUTU Rebellion of Burundi : Agathon Rwasa

Other Entities with similar names

Republic of BURUNDI

Republic of BURUNDI

Flag or Logo since 1967-06-28
République du BURUNDI (fr) + IRepuburika y´UBURUNDI (rn) UNO Member
Emblem or Symbol

President Pierre Buyoya
(ruler of BURUNDI since 1996-07-25)
Capitals & administrative places: Bujumbura
Official & national languages: French (fr) . Kirundi (rn) .


BURUNDI Republic of BURUNDI  (Bujumbura)

17 Divisions:

BUBANZA BUBANZA Province  (Bubanza)Local: Province de BUBANZA (fr) + IProvense ya BUBANZA (rn)  (Bubanza)
BUJUMBURA MAIRIE BUJUMBURA MAIRIE Province  (Bujumbura)Local: Province de BUJUMBURA MAIRIE (fr) + IProvense ya BUJUMBURA MAIRIE (rn)  (Bujumbura)
BUJUMBURA RURAL BUJUMBURA RURAL Province  (Mugongo-Manga)Local: Province de BUJUMBURA RURAL (fr) + IProvense ya BUJUMBURA RURAL (rn)  (Mugongo-Manga)
BURURI BURURI Province  (Bururi)Local: Province de BURURI (fr) + IProvense ya BURURI (rn)  (Bururi)
CANKUZO CANKUZO Province  (Cankuzo)Local: Province de CANKUZO (fr) + IProvense ya CANKUZO (rn)  (Cankuzo)
CIBITOKE CIBITOKE Province  (Cibitoke)Local: Province de CIBITOKE (fr) + IProvense ya CIBITOKE (rn)  (Cibitoke)
GITEGA GITEGA Province  (Gitega)Local: Province de GITEGA (fr) + IProvense ya GITEGA (rn)  (Gitega)
KARUZI KARUZI Province  (Karuzi)Local: Province de KARUZI (fr) + IProvense ya KARUZI (rn)  (Karuzi)
KAYANZA KAYANZA Province  (Kayanza)Local: Province de KAYANZA (fr) + IProvense ya KAYANZA (rn)  (Kayanza)
KIRUNDO KIRUNDO Province  (Kirundo)Local: Province de KIRUNDO (fr) + IProvense ya KIRUNDO (rn)  (Kirundo)
MAKAMBA MAKAMBA Province  (Makamba)Local: Province de MAKAMBA (fr) + IProvense ya MAKAMBA (rn)  (Makamba)
MURAMVYA MURAMVYA Province  (Muramvya)Local: Province de MURAMVYA (fr) + IProvense ya MURAMVYA (rn)  (Muramvya)
MUYINGA MUYINGA Province  (Muyinga)Local: Province de MUYINGA (fr) + IProvense ya MUYINGA (rn)  (Muyinga)
MWARO MWARO Province  (Mwaro)Local: Province de MWARO (fr) + IProvense ya MWARO (rn)  (Mwaro)
NGOZI NGOZI Province  (Ngozi)Local: Province de NGOZI (fr) + IProvense ya NGOZI (rn)  (Ngozi)
RUTANA RUTANA Province  (Rutana)Local: Province de RUTANA (fr) + IProvense ya RUTANA (rn)  (Rutana)
RUYIGI RUYIGI Province  (Ruyigi)Local: Province de RUYIGI (fr) + IProvense ya RUYIGI (rn)  (Ruyigi)

56 Organisations or Groupings membership (selective)

AFRICAN BANK African Development Bank : AFDB  (Abidjan)
AFRICAN CARIBBEAN AND PACIFIC STATES African Caribbean and Pacific Group of States : ACP STATES  (Brussels)
AFRICAN NATURE African Convention on the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources : CONVENTION ON CONSERVATION  (Algiers)
AFRICAN UNITY Organization of African Unity : OAU  (Addis Ababa)
CHEMICAL WEAPONS PROHIBITION Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons : OPCW  (The Hague)
COMESA Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa : COMESA  (Lusaka)
COMMON FUND Common Fund for Commodities : CFC  (Geneva)
CUSTOMS World Customs Organization : WCO  (Brussels)
ECCAS Economic Community of Central African States : ECCAS  (Libreville)
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations : FAO Specialized Agency  (Rome)
FIFA Federation of International Football Association : FIFA  (Zurich)
FRANCE-AFRICA Conference of Heads of State of Africa and France : FRANCE-AFRICA Summit  (Paris)
FRANCOPHONIE International Organisation of the Francophonie : OIF  (Paris)
GREAT LAKES COUNTRIES Economic Community of the Great Lakes Countries : Suspended ECGLC  (Gisenyi)
GROUP OF SEVENTY-SEVEN GROUP OF SEVENTY-SEVEN at the United Nations [Coalition of Developing Countries]  (New York)
IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development : IBRD  (Washington-District of Columbia)
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization : ICAO Specialized Agency  (Montreal)
ICC International Criminal Court : ICC  (Rome)
ICJ International Court of Justice : ICJ  (The Hague)
IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development : IFAD Specialized Agency  (Rome)
ILO International Labour Organization : ILO Specialized Agency  (Geneva)
IMF International Monetary Fund : IMF Specialized Agency  (Washington-District of Columbia)
INTER-PARLIAMENTARY UNION Inter-Parliamentary Union : IPU  (Geneva)
INTERPOL International Criminal Police Organization : ICPO  (Lyons)
ITU International Telecommunication Union : ITU Specialized Agency  (Geneva)
NON-ALIGNED Non-Aligned Movement : NAM [Coordinating Bureau – Non-Aligned Movement Centre for South-South Technical Cooperation : NAM CSSTC]  (Durban + New York + Jakarta)
NUCLEAR NON-PROLIFERATION Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty : NPT  (New York)
ODCCP Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention : ODCCP Agency  (Vienna)
OHCHR Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights : OHCHR Specialized Agency  (Geneva)
OLYMPIC GAMES International Olympic Committee : IOC  (Lausanne)
PELINDABA TREATY African Nuclear Weapon Free Zone Treaty : ANWFZ  (Pelindaba)
RED CROSS International Committee of the Red Cross : ICRC  (Geneva)
RED CROSS AND RED CRESCENT International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies : IFRCS  (Geneva)
SOUTH CENTRE SOUTH CENTRE Organization  (Geneva)
UN-HABITAT United Nations Human Settlements Programme : UN-HABITAT Specialized Agency  (Nairobi)
UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development : UNCTAD  (Geneva)
UNDP United Nations Development Programme : UNDP Specialized Agency  (New York)
UNEP United Nations Environmental Programme : UNEP Specialized Agency  (Nairobi)
UNESCO United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization : UNESCO Specialized Agency  (Paris)
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change : UNFCCC  (New York)
UNHCR United Nations High Commission for Refugees : UNHCR Agency  (Geneva)
UNICEF United Nations International Children´s Emergency Fund : UNICEF Specialized Agency  (New York)
UNIDIR United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research : UNIDIR Specialized Agency  (Geneva)
UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization : UNIDO Specialized Agency  (Vienna)
UNIFEM United Nations Development Fund for Women : UNIFEM  (New York)
UNITED NATIONS United Nations Organization : UNO  (New York)
UNOOSA Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies : OUTER SPACE Treaty  (Vienna)
UPEACE University for Peace : UPEACE  (Ciudad Colon)
UPU Universal Postal Union : UPU Specialized Agency  (Berne)
WFP World Food Programme : WFP  (Rome)
WHO World Health Organization : WHO Specialized Agency  (Pregny-Chambesy)
WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization : WIPO Specialized Agency  (Geneva)
WMO World Meteorological Organization : WMO Specialized Agency  (Geneva)
WORLD TOURISM World Tourism Organization : WTOO  (Madrid)
WORLD TRADE World Trade Organization : WTO  (Geneva)

Other Independent or Semi-Independent Polities within the 2024's internationally recognized Country boundaries:

BURUNDI HUTUS HUTU Rebellion of Burundi  (Bujumbura)

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UPDATED ON: ~ 2024-JUN-09 ~ .