2024-JUN-09 |
AUSTRALIA UNITED KINGDOM | Commonwealth of Australia : COA | Australian Indian Ocean Territories : IOT | |
(Canberra) - (London a + Westminster lr + Edinburgh s + Windsor r) - | (Canberra) | (The Settlement of Flying Fish Cove) |
Flag or Logo since 2004-04-06 | Emblem or Symbol |
Capitals & administrative places: | Bantam Village on West Island (Bantam Village on West Island) |
Official & national languages: | Cocos Malay (coa) . English (en) . |
w recognized, diplomatic or working language at national level
COCOS KEELING ISLANDS | Territory of COCOS KEELING ISLANDS (Bantam Village on West Island) |
COCOS KEELING ISLANDS | COCOS KEELING ISLANDS Shire Council (Bantam Village on West Island) | Local: | COCOS KEELING ISLANDS Shire Council (en) (Bantam Village on West Island) |
ethnia.org © J.-M. Merklin |