Xiushan 1991-AUG-10 - ethnia.org -


People´s Republic of China : PRC SICHUAN Province QIANJIANG Autonomous Prefecture
(Beijing) (Chengdu)(Chengxi)

XIUSHAN Tuchia and Miao Autonomous County

Flag or Logo since 1949-11-12
XIÙSHĀN Tǔjiāzú Miáozú Zìzhìxiàn : 秀山土家族苗族自治县 (zh) + XIUSHAN Bifzivkar Befkar Zifzifxanf (tji) + XIUSHAN (cqd)
Emblem or Symbol

Deng Xiaoping the Little Helmsman
(ruler of CHINA since 1978-12-22)
Capitals & administrative places: Xiushan
Official & national languages: