Wenshan 2020-OCT-18 - ethnia.org -


People´s Republic of China : PRC YUNNAN Province
(Beijing) (Kunming)

WENSHAN Chuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture

Flag or Logo since 1949-12-02
WENSHAN Zhuàngzú Miáozú Zìzhìzhōu : 文山壮族苗族自治州 (zh) + VWNZSANH Bouxcuengh Myauzcuz Swcicouh (za) + WENX SHANGB Langs Hmongb Zif Zhif Zheub (ium) + WENX SHANGB Zheub (hmn)
Emblem or Symbol

Xi Jinping
(ruler of CHINA since 2012-11-15)
Capitals & administrative places: Wenshan
Official & national languages: