Rahaita 1958-NOV-28 - ethnia.org -


French Republic : FRENCH COMMUNITY French Somaliland Overseas Territory : FRENCH SOMALI COAST TADJOURA Circle OBOCK Administrative Post
(Paris) (Jibuti)(Tadjoura)(Obock)

Afar Sultanate of RAHAITA
[French Protectorate]

Flag or Logo since 1900-01-01
Sultanat afar de RAHAÏTA (fr) + RAHAYTO Sultanat (aa)
Emblem or Symbol

President Rene Coty
(ruler of FRANCE since 1954-01-16)
Capitals & administrative places: Nouo-Dela + (Rahaita)
(Nouo-Dela + (Rahayta))
() capital or HQ de facto partially ou totally outside of the territory
Official & national languages: Afar (aa) . French (fr) .

Other Territories or Entities within the 2024's internationally recognized Country boundaries:

FRENCH SOMALI COAST French Somaliland Overseas Territory : FRENCH SOMALI COAST  (Jibuti)
GOBAD Afar Sultanate of GOBAD [Unrecognized]  (Debne)
TADJOURA Afar Sultanate of TADJOURA [French Protectorate]  (Tadjoura)

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UPDATED ON: ~ 2024-SEP-07 ~ .

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