Hammaguira 1960-DEC-13 - ethnia.org -


French Republic : FRENCH COMMUNITY Departments of the FRENCH SAHARA Department of SAURA Arrondissement of COLOMB-BECHAR
(Paris) (Colomb-Bechar + Wargla)(Colomb-Bechar)(Colomb-Bechar)

Interarmy Special Vehicles Test Centre : ISVTC – COLOMB-BECHAR AND HAMMAGIR Air Bases

Flag or Logo since 1948-01-01
Centre Interarmées d´Essais d´Engins Spéciaux : CIEES (fr)
Emblem or Symbol

President Charles de Gaulle
(ruler of FRANCE since 1959-01-08)
Capitals & administrative places: Colomb-Bechar + Hammaguir
(Colomb-Béchar + Hammaguir)
Official & national languages: