Dahuk 1923-APR-01 - ethnia.org -


TURKISH State [Turkish Grand National Assembly]
(Angora a + (Constantinople))

Turkish Occupied District of DAHUK

Flag or Logo since 1922-02-01
Emblem or Symbol

Mustafa Kemal Pasha
(ruler of TURKEY since 1922-11-01)
Capitals & administrative places: Dahuk
Official & national languages:

4 Territories:

AMEDI AMEDI District  (Amedia)Local: AMEDI  (Amedi)
DAHUK DAHUK District  (Dahuk)Local: DOHUK  (Dohuk)
SIMELE SIMELE District  (Simele)Local: Kaza SIMELE  (Simele)
ZAKHO ZAKHO District  (Zakho)Local: Kaza ZAHO  (Zaho)

Other Independent or Semi-Independent Polities within the 2024's internationally recognized Country boundaries:

IRAQ IRAQI Kingdom [League of Nations Mandate under British Protectorate]  (Baghdad)
KURDISTAN Independent Kingdom of KURDISTAN  (Suleimania)

Other Territories or Entities within the 2024's internationally recognized Country boundaries:

ASSYRIA ASSYRIA Zone [British Zone of Influence]  (Qudshanis)
KIRKUK KIRKUK Mutesarifate  (Kirkuk)
MOSUL Mandated Territory of MOSUL  (Mosul)

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UPDATED ON: ~ 2024-MAY-05 ~ .