Palace Farnese 1900-JAN-01 - -   


Kingdom of ITALY Compartment of LATIUM Province of ROME City of ROME
(Rome a) (Rome)(Rome)(Rome)

French Embassy in Italy : PALACE FARNESE

Flag or Logo since 1900-01-01
Ambassade de France en Italie : PALAIS FARNÈSE (fr) + Ambasciata di Francia in Italia : PALAZZO FARNESE (it)
Emblem or Symbol

King Humbert I
(ruler of ITALY since 1900-01-01)
Capitals & administrative places: Palace Farnese
(Palazzo Farnese)
Official & national languages: French (fr) . Italian (it) .

Other Independent or Semi-Independent Polities within the 2024's internationally recognized Country boundaries:

ITALY Kingdom of ITALY  (Rome a)
TAVOLARA Kingdom of TAVOLARA  (The Point of the Canon)

Other Territories or Entities within the 2024's internationally recognized Country boundaries:

ABRUZZES AND MOLISE Compartment of ABRUZES AND MOLISE  (Aquila of Abruzzes)
AOSTA Duchy of AOSTA  (Aosta)
APULIA Compartment of APULIA  (Bari of Apulia)
AUSTRIAN LITTORAL AUSTRIAN LITTORAL Crownland [Austrian Coastland]  (Trieste)
BASILICATA Compartment of BASILICATA  (Potenza)
CALABRIA Compartment of CALABRIA  (Reggio Calabria)
CAMPANIA Compartment of CAMPANIA  (Naples)
CAMPIONE Commune of CAMPIONE [Enclave]  (Campione)
EMILIA Compartment of EMILIA  (Bologna)
FRENCH ESTABLISHMENT IN LORETO Pious French Establishment in Loreto : National Chaplaincy of France in LORETO  (National Chaplaincy of France in Loreto)
GENOA Dukedom of GENOA  (Genoa)
GORITZ AND GRADISCA Autonomous Princely County of GORITZ AND GRADISCA  (Goritz)
GRADISCA District of GRADISCA  (Gradisca)
LATIUM Compartment of LATIUM  (Rome)
LIGURIA Compartment of LIGURIA  (Genoa)
LIVIGNO Commune of LIVIGNO [Enclave]  (Livigno)
LODI Dukedom of LODI  (Lodi)
LOMBARDY Compartment of LOMBARDY  (Milan)
MARCHES Compartment of the MARCHES  (Ancona)
PELAGIAN ISLANDS Commune of Lampedusa and Linosa : PELAGIAN ISLANDS Archipelago  (Lampedusa + Linosa)
PIEDMONT Compartment of PIEDMONT  (Turin)
SARDINIA Compartment of SARDINIA  (Cagliari)
SICILY Compartment of SICILY  (Palermo)
TARVIS TARVIS Region  (Tarvis)
TRIESTE Imperial Free City and Territory of TRIESTE  (Trieste)
TUSCANY Compartment of TUSCANY  (Florence)
UMBRIA Compartment of UMBRIA  (Perugia)
VENETIA Compartment of VENETIA  (Venice)
VILLA CARLOTTA VILLA CARLOTTA Residency of Saxe-Meiningen  (Villa Carlotta)
VILLA MEDICI French Possession of VILLA MEDICI [French Academy in Rome]  (Villa Medici)

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UPDATED ON: ~ 2024-JUN-09 ~ .