Rome And Loreto 1978-JUN-15 - -   


(Paris) - (Rome a) - (Vatican City a + Pontifical Palace of Castel Gandolfo s) -

Pious French Establishments in ROME AND LORETO

Flag or Logo since 1900-01-01
Pieux Établissements français à ROME ET LORETTE (fr) + Pii Stabilimenti francesi a ROMA E LORETO (it)
Emblem or Symbol

President Valery Giscard d´Estaing
(ruler of FRANCE since 1974-05-27)

Amintore Fanfani
(ruler of ITALY since 1978-06-15)

Pope Paul VI
(ruler of HOLY SEE since 1963-06-21)
Capitals & administrative places: Villa Bonaparte
(Villa Bonaparte)
Official & national languages: French (fr) . Italian (it) .

2 Territories:

FRENCH ESTABLISHMENT IN LORETO Pious French Establishment in Loreto : National Chaplaincy of France in LORETO  (National Chaplaincy of France in Loreto)Local: Pieux Établissement français à Lorette : Chapellenie nationale de France à LORETTE (fr) + Pio Stabilimento francese in Loreto : Cappellania Nazionale di Francia a LORETO (it)  (Chapellenie Nationale de France à Lorette)
FRENCH ESTABLISHMENTS IN ROME Pious French Establishments in ROME  (Trinity of the Mounts + Saint Louis of the French + Saint Nicholas of the Lorrainers + Saint Ivo of the Bretons + Saints Claudius and Andrew of the Burgundians)Local: Pieux Établissements français à ROME (fr) + Pii Stabilimenti francesi a ROMA (it)  (La Trinité-des-Monts + Saint-Louis-des-Français + Saint-Nicolas-des-Lorrains + Saint-Yves-des-Bretons + Saint-Claude-et-André-des-Francs-Comtois-de-Bourgogne)

Other Independent or Semi-Independent Polities within the 2024's internationally recognized Country boundaries:

HOLY SEE State of Vatican City : HOLY SEE  (Vatican City a + Pontifical Palace of Castel Gandolfo s)
ORDER OF MALTA Autonomous Sovereign Military Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta : SMOM  (Palace of Malta y + Via Condotti b)

Other Territories or Entities within the 2024's internationally recognized Country boundaries:

HOLY SEE IN ITALY Special Properties of the HOLY SEE IN ITALY  (Pontifical Palace)
HOLY SEE INSIDE ROME CITY Extraterritorial Properties of the HOLY SEE INSIDE ROME CITY  (Basilica of Saint John Lateran)
HOLY SEE INSIDE ROME PROVINCE Extraterritorial Properties of the HOLY SEE INSIDE ROME PROVINCE  (Pontifical Palace of Castel Gandolfo)

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UPDATED ON: ~ 2024-JUN-09 ~ .