Holy Land 1945-JAN-02 - ethnia.org -


JERUSALEM (Jerusalem)  JERUSALEM District :
HOLY LAND (Church of Saint Anne + Eleona Monastery + Tomb of the Kings + Abbaye of Abu Gosh)  French National Domain in the HOLY LAND [French Territories in Jerusalem] :
RUSSIAN COMPOUND OF JERUSALEM (Holy Trinity Cathedral of Jerusalem)  RUSSIAN COMPOUND of Jerusalem :
SAINT JOHN OF JERUSALEM (Palace of Malta x + Via Condotti bRebellionExile Order of the Knights Hospitaller of SAINT JOHN OF JERUSALEM : Grandmaster Ludovico Chigi Albani Della Rovere

Other Entities with similar names

Provisional Government of the French Republic : PGFR [French Colonial Empire]

French National Domain in the HOLY LAND
[French Territories in Jerusalem]

Flag or Logo since 1905-12-09
Domaine national français en TERRE SAINTE (fr)
Emblem or Symbol

General Charles de Gaulle
(ruler of FRANCE since 1940-06-22)
Capitals & administrative places: Church of Saint Anne + Eleona Monastery + Tomb of the Kings + Abbaye of Abu Gosh
(Église Sainte-Anne + Monastère d´Eléona + Tombeau des Rois + Abbaye d´Abou Gosh)
Official & national languages: French (fr) .

Other Independent or Semi-Independent Polities within the 2024's internationally recognized Country boundaries:

PALESTINE British Mandate for PALESTINE [League of Nations Mandate]  (Jerusalem)

Other Territories or Entities within the 2024's internationally recognized Country boundaries:

ARAB PALESTINE Arab Higher Committee of PALESTINE  (Jerusalem)
RUSSIAN COMPOUND OF JERUSALEM RUSSIAN COMPOUND of Jerusalem  (Holy Trinity Cathedral of Jerusalem)

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UPDATED ON: ~ 2024-JUN-09 ~ .