Rabat 1913-AUG-04 - ethnia.org -


FRANCE  MOROCCO  French Protectorate in the Sharifi Empire of MOROCCO Province of RABAT
(Paris) - (Rabat a) - (Rabat)(Rabat)

Province of RABAT

Flag or Logo since 1912-03-30
Province de RABAT
(Emblem or Symbol of FRENCH MOROCCO)

President Raymond Poincare
(ruler of FRANCE since 1913-02-18)

Sultan Mulay Yusef
(ruler of MOROCCO since 1912-08-13)
Capitals & administrative places: Rabat
Official & national languages:

5 Territories:

BENI ZEMMUR BENI ZEMMUR Tribe  (Khemissit)Local: Tribu des BENI ZEMMOUR  (Khemissit)
KENITRA KENITRA Circle  (Kenitra)Local: Cercle de KÉNITRA  (Kénitra)
RABAT Province of RABAT  (Rabat)Local: Province de RABAT  (Rabat)
SALLEE SALLEE Circle  (Sallee)Local: Cercle de SALÉ  (Salé)
TEMARA TEMARA Area  (Temara)Local: Aire de TÉMARA  (Témara)

Other Independent or Semi-Independent Polities within the 2024's internationally recognized Country boundaries:

MOROCCO Sharifi Empire of MOROCCO [French and Spanish Protectorates]  (Rabat a)
SOUTH MOROCCO MOROCCAN Sultanate [South Morocco in rebellion]  (Zagora)

Other Territories or Entities within the 2024's internationally recognized Country boundaries:

CASABLANCA Province of CASABLANCA  (Casablanca)
CITY OF TANGIER CITY OF TANGIER International Protectorate  (Tangier)
FRENCH MOROCCO French Protectorate in the Sharifi Empire of MOROCCO  (Rabat)
IFNI IFNI Protectorate  (Sidi Ifni)
NORTHERN MOROCCO Spanish Northern Protectorate of Morocco : NORTHERN MOROCCO  (Tetuan)
RIF Moroccan Territory of the RIF  (Alcazarquivir)
SOUSS Emirate of BRAKNA [rebellion]  (Kerdous)
SOUTHERN MOROCCO Spanish Southern Protectorate of Morocco : Zone of CAPE JUBY  (Villa Bens)
SPANISH MOROCCO Spanish High Commission in MOROCCO [Spanish Protectorate of Morocco]  (Tetuan)
TADLA TADLA Tribal Confederation  (Beni Mellal)

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UPDATED ON: ~ 2024-JUN-09 ~ .