Ottoman Turkey 1919-JAN-09 - -   


Turkish Empire : OTTOMAN STATE [Allied Occupation]

Turkish Empire : OTTOMAN STATE
[Allied Occupation]

Flag or Logo since 1900-01-01
Devlet-i Âliye-i OSMÂNIYYE : دَوْلَتِ عَلِيّهٔ عُثمَانِیّه (ota) PCA Member
Emblem or Symbol

Sultan Mehmet VI Vahidettin
(ruler of OTTOMAN TURKEY since 1918-07-03)
Capitals & administrative places: (Constantinople)
() capital or HQ de facto partially ou totally outside of the territory
Official & national languages: Ottoman Turkish (ota) .


OTTOMAN TURKEY TURKISH Empire  ((Constantinople))

4 Divisions:

ASIA MINOR Region of ASIA MINOR  (Cotyaeum)Local: KÜÇÜK ASYA Bölgesi : منطقه کوچک آسیا (ota)  (Kütahya)
DAHUK DAHUK District  (Dahuk)Local: DOHUK  (Dohuk)
RUMELIA Region of RUMELIA [European Turkey]  (Kirk Kilise)Local: RUMELIA Bölgesi : منطقه رومالیا (ota)  (Kirkkilise)
TURKISH ARMENIA Region of TURKISH ARMENIA  (Erzerum)Local: Vilâyat-ı Sitte : TÜRK ERMENISTAN – فيلايات-ı سيت (ota)  (Erzurum)

5 Territories:

HANISH ISLANDS HANISH ISLANDS Group  (Hanish Al-Kebir)Local: HANIŞ Adaları (ota)  (Haniş Al-Kebir)
IZMIDT Autonomous Sanjak of IZMIDT  (Izmidt)Local: Sancağ-ı İZMID : سانجاك إزميت (ota)  (İzmid)
LOWER YEMEN Ottoman Vilayet of YEMEN  (Sana)Local: Vilâyet-i YEMEN : ولايت یمن (ota) + Wilayat AL-YAMAN : ولاية اليمن (ar)  (Sana)
MEDINA THE RADIANT Independent Sanjak of MEDINA THE RADIANT [Enclave]  (Medina The Radiant)Local: Sanjak-i MEDINE-I-MÜNEVVERE : سانجاكي مديني-مونفيفيري (ota) + Sanjaq AL-MADINAH AL-MUNAWWARAH : سنجق المدينة المنورة (ar)  (Medine-i-Münevvere)
MOCHA Ottoman Enclave of MOCHA District  (Mocha)Local: MOCHA  (Mocha)

3 Assisted Countries

ASSYRIA ASSYRIAN Independent State  (Qodchanis) Catholicos Shimun XXII Paulos
SOUTH-WESTERN CAUCASIA SOUTH-WESTERN CAUCASIAN Republic [Provisional National Government]  (Kars) Cihangirzade Ibrahim Bey
TUNISIA Regency of TUNIS [French Protectorate of the Autonomous Tunisian Beylicate under nominal Ottoman Suzerainty]  (Tunis) Muhammad V. An-Nasir Bey

11 Organisations or Groupings membership (selective)

BRUSSELS CONVENTION Convention relative to the Slave Trade and Importation into Africa of Firearms Ammunition and Spiritous Liquors : BRUSSELS CONVENTION  (Brussels)
HAGUE CONVENTION Permanent Court of Arbitration : PCA  (The Hague)
OLYMPIC GAMES International Olympic Committee : IOC  (Lausanne)
PUBLIC HEALTH International Office of Public Health : IOPH  (Paris)
RED CROSS International Committee of the Red Cross : ICRC  (Geneva)
REFRIGERATION International Association of Refrigeration : IAR  (Paris)
TELEGRAPH International Telegraph Union : ITU  (Berne)
UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION Universal Postal Union : UPU  (Berne)
WEIGHTS AND MEASURES International Bureau of Weights and Measures : IBWM  (Sevres)
WORLD BUSINESS International Chamber of Commerce : ICC [The Word Business Organization]  (Paris + Atlantic City)

Other Independent or Semi-Independent Polities within the 2024's internationally recognized Country boundaries:

PONTUS Hellenic Autonomous State of PONTUS  ((Trebizond))
SOUTH-WESTERN CAUCASIA SOUTH-WESTERN CAUCASIAN Republic [Provisional National Government]  (Kars)

Other Territories or Entities within the 2024's internationally recognized Country boundaries:

ADRIANOPLE Vilayet of ADRIANOPLE [Allied Occupation]  (Adrianople)
CHATALJA Autonomous Sanjak of CHATALJA  (Chatalja)
CONSTANTINOPLE Vilayet of CONSTANTINOPLE [Allied Occupation]  (Constantinople)
DARDANELLES Autonomous Sanjak of DARDANELLES  (Hellespont)
FRENCH CILICIA French Administration of CILICIA [Cilician Armenia]  (Adana)
HAKKIARI Sanjak of HAKKIARI  (Qodchanis)
IMBROS AND TENEDOS ISLANDS Greek Administration of IMBROS AND TENEDOS ISLANDS  (Panagia Palomeni + Tenedos)
MARASH Autonomous Sanjak of MARASH  (Marash)
SAMSUN British Occupied Zone of SAMSUN  (Amisos)
SKUTARI SKUTARI District  (Skutari)
SMYRNA Sanjak of SMYRNA [British Occupation]  (Smyrna)
STRAITS ZONE ZONE OF THE STRAITS Demilitarized Area [Allied Occupation]  (Thessalonica + Constantinople)

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UPDATED ON: ~ 2024-JUN-09 ~ .