Taiwan 1949-APR-21 - ethnia.org -


(Tokyo) - (Nanking a) - (Washington-District of Columbia) -

Province of TAIWAN
[Taiwan Provincial Government – Independent Customs Territory under the jurisdiction of United States Military Government on Japanese soil with Administrative Authority for the Military Occupation delegated to the Chinese Nationalists]

Flag or Logo since 1945-10-25
T´AI-WAN Sheng : 臺灣省 (zh) + United States Military Government on Japanese soil with Administrative Authority for the Military Occupation delegated to the Chinese Nationalists : TAIWAN AREA (en) + TAIWAN Shō : 台湾省 (ja)
Emblem or Symbol

Emperor Hirohito
(ruler of JAPAN since 1926-12-25)

Li Tsung-Jen
(ruler of CHINA since 1949-01-21)

President Harry Truman
(ruler of AMERICA since 1945-04-12)
Capitals & administrative places: Taipeh
Official & national languages: English (en) . Japanese (ja) . Chinese (zh) .

23 Territories:

CHANGHWA CHANGHWA County  (Changhwa)Local: CHANG-HUA Hsien : 彰化縣 (zh)  (Chang-Hua)
CHIA-I CHIA-I County  (Taipao)Local: CHIA-YI Hsien : 嘉義縣 (zh)  (T´ai-Pao)
CHIA-I CITY Provincial City of CHIA-I  (Chia-I)Local: CHIA-YI Shih : 嘉義市 (zh)  (Chia-Yi)
HSINCHU HSINCHU County  (Chupei)Local: HSIN-CH´U Hsien : 新竹縣 (zh)  (Chu-Pei)
HSINCHU CITY Provincial City of HSINCHU  (Hsinchu)Local: HSIN-CH´U Shih : 新竹市 (zh)  (Hsin-Ch´u)
HUALIEN HUALIEN County  (Hualien)Local: HUA-LIEN Hsien : 花蓮縣 (zh)  (Hua-Lien)
ILAN ILAN County  (Ilan)Local: YI-LAN Hsien : 宜蘭縣 (zh)  (Yi-Lan)
KAOHSIUNG KAOHSIUNG County  (Fengshan)Local: KAO-HSIUNG Hsien  (Feng-Shan)
KAOHSIUNG CITY Provincial City of KAOHSIUNG  (Kaohsiung)Local: KAO-HSIUNG Shih : 高雄市 (zh)  (Kao-Hsiung)
KEELUNG Provincial City of KEELUNG  (Keelung)Local: CHI-LUNG Shih : 基隆市 (zh)  (Chi-Lung)
MIAOLI MIAOLI County  (Miaoli)Local: MIAO-LI Hsien : 苗栗縣 (zh)  (Miao-Li)
NANTOUR NANTOUR County  (Nantour)Local: NAN-T´OU Hsien : 南投縣 (zh)  (Nan-T´ou)
PENGHUS PENGHU County [County of the Pescadores]  (Makung)Local: P´ENG-HU Hsien : 澎湖縣 (zh)  (Ma-Kung)
PINGTUNG PINGTUNG County  (Pingtung)Local: P´ING-TUNG Hsien : 屏東縣 (zh)  (P´ing-Tung)
TAICHUNG TAICHUNG County  (Fengyuan)Local: T´AI-CHUNG Hsien  (Feng-Yuan)
TAICHUNG CITY Provincial City of TAICHUNG  (Taichung)Local: T´AI-CHUNG Shih : 臺中市 (zh)  (T´ai-Chung)
TAINAN TAINAN County  (Hsinying)Local: T´AI-NAN Hsien : 台南縣 (zh)  (Hsin-Ying)
TAINAN CITY Provincial City of TAINAN  (Tainan)Local: T´AI-NAN Shih : 臺南市 (zh)  (T´ai-Nan)
TAIPEH TAIPEH County  (Pangkio)Local: TAI-PEI Hsien : 台北縣 (zh)  (Pan-Ch´iao)
TAIPEH CITY Provincial City of TAIPEH  (Taipeh)Local: T´AI-PEI Shih : 臺北市 (zh)  (T´ai-Pei)
TAITUNG TAITUNG County  (Taitung)Local: T´AI-TUNG Hsien : 臺東縣 (zh)  (T´ai-Tung)
TAOYUAN TAOYUAN County  (Taoyuan)Local: T´AO-YUAN Hsien : 桃園縣 (zh)  (T´ao-Yuan)
YUNLIN YUNLIN County  (Touliu)Local: YÜN-LIN Hsien : 雲林縣 (zh)  (Tou-Liu)

Other Independent or Semi-Independent Polities within the 2024's internationally recognized Country boundaries:

CHINA Republic of China : ROC [Kuomintang Nationalist Government]  (Nanking a)

Other Territories or Entities within the 2024's internationally recognized Country boundaries:

PRATAS ISLANDS Territory of PRATAS ISLANDS [Nominally part of Kwangtung Province and Mandated by the United Nations]  (Tungsha)
TAIWAN AREA Independent Customs Territory under the jurisdiction of United States Military Government on Japanese soil with Administrative Authority for the Military Occupation delegated to the Chinese Nationalists : TAIWAN AREA  (Taipeh)

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UPDATED ON: ~ 2024-JUN-09 ~ .