China 1945-OCT-25 - -   


COMMUNIST CHINA (Yenan gRebellion Communist Party of China : CPC [Liberated Zones of the Chinese Red Army] : Mao Tse-Tung the Great Helmsman
CHINA (Chungking t + Nanking cUNO Member National Government of the Republic of CHINA [Kuomintang Nationalist Government] : Chiang Kai-Shek

Other Entities with similar names

National Government of the Republic of CHINA [Kuomintang Nationalist Government]
(Chungking t + Nanking c)

National Government of the Republic of CHINA
[Kuomintang Nationalist Government]

Flag or Logo since 1921-05-05
CHUNG-HUA Min-Kuo : 中華民國 (zh) UNO Member
Emblem or Symbol

Chiang Kai-Shek
(ruler of CHINA since 1943-08-01)
Capitals & administrative places: Chungking t + Nanking c
(C´hung-C´hing + Nan-Ching)
c constitutional, official or de jure capital
t temporary or provisory capital
Official & national languages: Chinese (zh) .


NATIONALIST CHINA Republic of CHINA  (Chungking + Nanking)

31 Regionalized Divisions:

ANHWEI AN-HWEI Province  (Hofei)Local: AN-HUEI Sheng : 安徽省 (zh)  (Ho-Fei)
CHAHAR CHAHAR Province  (Changkiakow)Local: CHA-HA´ERH Sheng : 察哈爾省 (zh)  (Chang-Chia-K´ou)
CHEKIANG CHEKIANG Province  (Hangchow)Local: CHE-CHIANG Sheng : 浙江省 (zh)  (Hang-Chou)
CHUNGKING CHUNGKING Special Municipality  (Chungking)Local: CH´UNG-CH´ING Shih : 重慶市 (zh)  (Ch´ung-Ch´ing)
FUKIEN FUKIEN Province  (Foochow)Local: FU-CHIEN Sheng : 福建省 (zh)  (Fu-Chou)
HANKOW HANKOW Special Municipality  (Hankow)Local: HAN-K´OU Shih : 漢口市 (zh)  (Han-K´ou)
HOKIANG HOKIANG Province  (Chiamussu)Local: HO-CHIANG Sheng : 合江省 (zh)  (Chia-Mu-Ssü)
HONAN HONAN Province  (Kaifeng)Local: HO-NAN Sheng : 河南省 (zh)  (K´ai-Feng)
HOPEI HOPEH Province  (Paoting)Local: HO-PEI Sheng : 河北省 (zh)  (Pao-T´ing)
HUNAN HUNAN Province  (Changsha)Local: HU-NAN Sheng : 湖南省 (zh)  (Ch´ang-Sha)
HUPEH HUPEH Province  (Wuchang)Local: HU-PEI Sheng : 湖北省 (zh)  (Wu-Ch´ang)
JEHOL JEHOL Province  (Hailar)Local: JE-HO Sheng : 熱河省 (zh)  (Hai-La-Erh)
KIANGSI KIANGSI Province  (Nanchang)Local: CHIANG-HSI Sheng : 江西省 (zh)  (Nan-Ch´ang)
KIANGSU KIANGSU Province  (Chinkiang)Local: CHIANG-SU Sheng : 江蘇 省 (zh)  (Ching-K´ou)
KWANGCHOW KWANGCHOW Special Municipality  (Canton)Local: KUANG-CHOU Shih : 廣州市 (zh)  (Kuang-Chou)
KWANGSI KWANGSI Province  (Kweilin)Local: KUANG-HSI Sheng : 廣西省 (zh)  (Kuei-Lin)
KWANGTUNG KWANGTUNG Province  (Kukong)Local: KUANG-TUNG Sheng : 廣東省 (zh) + GWONG-DUNG Saang : 廣東省 (yue)  (K´u-K´ung)
KWEICHOW KWEICHOW Province  (Kweiyang)Local: KUEI-CHOU Sheng : 貴州省 (zh)  (Kuei-Yang)
NANKING NANKING Special Municipality  (Nanking)Local: NAN-CHING Shih : 南京市 (zh)  (Nan-Ching)
NUNKIANG Nationalist Province of NUNKIANG  (Tsitsihar)Local: NEN-CHIANG Sheng : 嫩江省 (zh)  (Chi-Chi-Ha´erh)
SHANGHAI Municipal Council of SHANGHAI  (Shanghai)Local: SHANG-HAI Kung-Pu-Chiu : 上海 工部局 (zh)  (Shang-Hai)
SHANTUNG SHANTUNG Province  (Tsinan)Local: SHAN-TUNG Sheng : 山東省 (zh)  (Chi-Nan)
SHENSI SHENSI Province  (Paoki)Local: SHAN-HSI Sheng : 陝西省 (zh)  (Pao-Chi)
SIAN SIAN Special Municipality  (Sian)Local: HSI´AN Shih : 西安市 (zh)  (Hsi-An)
SIKANG SIKANG Province  (Kangting)Local: HSI-KANG Sheng : 錫康省 (zh)  (K´ang-Ting)
SUIYUAN SUIYUAN Province  (Kweisui)Local: SUI-YUAN Sheng : 綏遠省 (zh)  (Kuei-Sui)
SUNGKIANG SUNGKIANG Province  (Mutankiang)Local: SUNG-CHIANG Sheng : 松江省 (zh)  (Mu-Tan-Chiang)
SZECHWAN SZECHWAN Province  (Chengtu)Local: SZU-CH´UAN Sheng : 四川省 (zh)  (C´heng-Tu)
TIENTSIN TIENTSIN Special Municipality  (Tientsin)Local: TIEN-CHIN Shih : 天津市 (zh)  (Tien-Chin)
TUNGAN TUNGAN Province  (Tungan)Local: TUNG-AN Sheng : 东安省 (zh)  (Tung-An)
YUNNAN YUNNAN Province  (Kunming)Local: YUN-NAN Sheng : 雲南省 (zh)  (K´un-Ming)

3 Largely Autonomous or Semi-Independent Polities

HAINAN HAINAN Special Administrative Region  (Kiungchow + Haikou) Chiang Kai-Shek
MA THREE MAS OF THE NORTHWEST Sultanates [Warlordships of the Ma Clique]  (Sining) Ma Pu-Fang
SHANSI SHANSI Province [Autonomous Warlordship of the Shansi Clique]  (Taiyuan-Yangchu) Yen Hsi-Shan

2 Territories:

CHINESE BRITISH TIENTSIN Former British Concession of TIENTSIN  (Tientsin British Concession)Local: TIENTSIN British Concession (en) + TIEN-CHIN YING Tsu-Chieh :天津英租界 (zh)  (Tien-Tsin)
PEIPING LEGATION QUARTER PEIPING LEGATION Quarter  (Peiping Legation Quarter)Local: TUNG CHIAO MIN Hsiang : 東交民巷 (zh)  (Tung Chiao-Min Hsiang)

5 Condominiums:

JAPANESE TIENTSIN Chinese Administration of the Former Japanese Concession of TIENTSIN  (Amatsu)Local: TIEN-TSIN Jih-Tsu-Chieh : 天津日租界 (zh) + AMATSU-no Sokai : 天津の 租界 (ja)  (Amatsu)
KOWLOON WALLED CITY Chinese Claimed KOWLOON WALLED CITY  (Kowloon Walled City)Local: KOWLOON WALLED CITY Area (en) + GAU LUNG ZAAI SENG : 九龍寨城 (yue)  (Kowloon Walled City)
KULANGYU ISLAND KULANGYU Settlement [Chinese Occupation]  (Kulangyu)Local: KU-LANG-YÜ Tao : 鼓浪嶼島 (zh) + Établissement de KOULANGYU (fr)  (Ku-Lang-Yü)
PRATAS ISLANDS Territory of PRATAS ISLANDS [Nominally part of Kwangtung Province and Mandated by the United Nations]  (Tungsha)Local: Territory of PRATAS ISLANDS (en) + TUNG-SHA Ch´iun-Tao : 東沙群島 (zh)  (Tung-Sha)
TAIWAN Government-General of the Province of TAIWAN [Independent Customs Territory under the jurisdiction of United States Military Government on Japanese soil with Administrative Authority for the Military Occupation delegated to the Chinese Nationalists]  (Taipeh)Local: T´AI-WAN Tsung Cheng-Fu : 台灣總政府 (zh) + United States Military Government on Japanese soil with Administrative Authority for the Military Occupation delegated to the Chinese Nationalists : TAIWAN AREA (en) + TAIWAN Shō : 台湾省 (ja)  (T´ai-Pei)

3 Assisted Countries

NORTH LAOS Kingdom of LAOS [Chinese Occupied Zone of North Laos]  (Vientiane a + Luangphrabang r) Prince Phetsarath Rattanavongga
NORTH VIETNAM Democratic Republic of Vietnam : DRV [Allied Chinese Occupation]  (Hanoi) Ho Chi Minh
SINKIANG Autonomous Province of SINKIANG [Nationalist Warlordship of the Central Club Clique]  (Tihwa) Wu Chung-Hsin

Military entity abroad, special or locally shared:

TAIWAN AREA Independent Customs Territory under the jurisdiction of United States Military Government on Japanese soil with Administrative Authority for the Military Occupation delegated to the Chinese Nationalists : TAIWAN AREA  (Taipeh)Local: Independent Customs Territory under the jurisdiction of United States Military Government on Japanese soil with Administrative Authority for the Military Occupation delegated to the Chinese Nationalists : TAIWAN AREA (en)  (T´ai-Pei)

25 Organisations or Groupings membership (selective)

AIR SPORTS World Air Sports Federation : WASF  (Lausanne)
CTO Communications and Transit Organisation : CTO  (Geneva)
EFO Economic and Financial Organization of the League of Nations : EFO  (Brusells)
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations : FAO Specialized Agency  (Quebec City)
FIFA Federation of International Football Association : FIFA  (Zurich)
HAGUE CONVENTION Permanent Court of Arbitration : PCA  (The Hague)
ICJ International Court of Justice : WORLD COURT  (The Hague)
IGCR High Commission for Refugees : Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees : IGCR  (Berne)
IHB International Hydrographic Bureau : IHB Specialized Agency  (Monaco)
ILO International Labour Organization : ILO Specialized Agency  (Montreal)
LEAGUE OF RED CROSS League of Red Cross Societies : LORCS  (Geneva)
LNHO League of Nations Health Organization : LNHO  (Geneva)
LON League of Nations Secretariat : LON  (Geneva)
OIC Organization of Intellectual Cooperation : OIC  (Geneva)
OLYMPIC GAMES International Olympic Committee : IOC  (Lausanne)
PCNB Permanent Central Narcotics Board : PCNB  (Geneva)
PICAO Provisional International Civil Aviation Organization : PICAO Specialized Agency  (Montreal)
PUBLIC HEALTH International Office of Public Health : IOPH  (Paris)
RED CROSS International Committee of the Red Cross : ICRC  (Geneva)
REFRIGERATION International Institute of Refrigeration : IIR  (Paris)
TELECOMMUNICATION International Telecommunication Union : ITU  (Berne)
UNITED NATIONS United Nations Organization : UNO [continuing the League of Nations]  (London)
UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION Universal Postal Union : UPU  (Berne)
UNRRA United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration : UNRRA  (Washington-District of Columbia)
WORLD BUSINESS International Chamber of Commerce : ICC [The Word Business Organization]  (Paris)

Other Territories or Entities within the 2024's internationally recognized Country boundaries:

PRATAS ISLANDS Territory of PRATAS ISLANDS [Nominally part of Kwangtung Province and Mandated by the United Nations]  (Tungsha)
TAIWAN Government-General of the Province of TAIWAN [Independent Customs Territory under the jurisdiction of United States Military Government on Japanese soil with Administrative Authority for the Military Occupation delegated to the Chinese Nationalists]  (Taipeh)
TAIWAN AREA Independent Customs Territory under the jurisdiction of United States Military Government on Japanese soil with Administrative Authority for the Military Occupation delegated to the Chinese Nationalists : TAIWAN AREA  (Taipeh)

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UPDATED ON: ~ 2024-SEP-07 ~ .