50 Members (excluding the associate or suspended members but including the countries represented on their behalf) [The rulers are not necessarily the representatives in the organisation. ] :
| | AFGHANISTAN | (Kabul) | | King Mohammad Zahir Shah | | |
| | ARGENTINE | (Buenos Aires a + Olivos r) | | President Juan Peron | | |
| | AUSTRALIA | (Canberra) | | King George VI | | |
| | BELGIUM | (Brussels) | | Regent Prince Charles | | |
| | BOLIVIA | (Sucre cj + La Paz eir) | | President Enrique Hertzog | | |
| | BRAZIL | (Rio de Janeiro) | | President Eurico Gaspar Dutra | | |
| | CANADA | (Ottawa) | | King George VI | | |
| | SWITZERLAND | (Berne lq + Lausanne j) | | President Enrico Celio | | |
| | CHILE | (Santiago of Chile a + Valparaiso l + Vina del Mar s) | | President Gabriel Gonzalez Videla | | |
| | COLOMBIA | (Bogota) | | President Mariano Ospina Perez | | |
| | CZECHOSLOVAKIA | (Prague a) | | Rudolf Slansky | | |
| | DENMARK | (Copenhagen) | | King Frederick IX | | |
| | DOMINICAN | (Ciudad Trujillo) | | President Generalissimo Rafael Leonidas Trujillo | | |
| | EGYPT | (Cairo a + Alexandria r) | | King Farouk I | | |
| | SPAIN | (Madrid) | | Caudillo Francisco Franco | | |
| | ETHIOPIA | (Addis Ababa) | | Emperor Ras Tafari Haile Selassie I | | |
| | FRENCH UNION | (Paris) | | President Vincent Auriol | | |
| | GREECE | (Athens a) | | King Paul I | | |
| | GUATEMALA | (Guatemala City) | | President Juan Jose Arevalo | | |
| | HAITI | (Port Au Prince) | | President Jean Dumarsais Estime | | |
| | EIRE | (Dublin) | | President Sean Thomas O´Kelly | | |
| | INDIAN UNION | (New Delhi a + Simla s) | | Chakravarti Rajagopalachari | | |
| | IRAQ | (Baghdad) | | King Faysal II | | |
| | ICELAND | (Reykjavik a + Alftanes r) | | President Sveinn Bjornsson | | |
| | ITALY | (Rome a) | | President Luigi Einaudi | | |
| | TRANSJORDAN | (Amman) | | King Abdullah I | | |
| | CEYLON | (Colombo a + Kandy r) | | King George VI | | |
| | LIBERIA | (Monrovia) | | President William Tubman | | |
| | LUXEMBOURG | (Luxembourg a) | | Grand Duchess Charlotte | | |
| | BURMA | (Rangoon a) | | President Sao Shwe Thaik | | |
| | MEXICO | (Mexico City) | | President Miguel Aleman Valdez | | |
| | NICARAGUA | (Managua) | | President Victor Manuel Roman y Reyes | | |
| | NETHERLANDS | (Amsterdam a + The Hague jlr + Wassenaar r) | | Queen Wilhelmina | | |
| | NORWAY | (Oslo) | | King Haakon VII | | |
| | NEW ZEALAND | (Wellington) | | King George VI | | |
| | PERU | (Lima) | | President Jose Luis Bustamante y Rivero | | |
| | PHILIPPINES | (Quezon City a + Manila l + Baguio City s) | | President Elpidio Quirino | | |
| | PAKISTAN | (Karachi) | | Muhammad Ali Jinnah | | |
| | POLAND | (Warsaw a) | | Wladyslaw Gomulka | | |
| | PORTUGAL | (Lisbon) | | President Oscar Carmona | | |
| | PARAGUAY | (Assumption) | | President Juan Natalicio Gonzalez | | |
| | SWEDEN | (Stockholm) | | King Gustav V | | |
| | EL SALVADOR | (San Salvador) | | President Salvador Castaneda Castro | | |
| | SIAM | (Bangkok) | | King Rama IX Bhumibol Adulyadej | | |
| | TURKEY | (Ankara a) | | President Ismet Inonu | | |
| | CHINA | (Nanking a) | | President Chiang Kai-Shek | | |
| | UNITED KINGDOM | (London a + Westminster lr + Edinburgh s + Windsor r) | | King George VI | | |
| | AMERICA | (Washington-District of Columbia) | | President Harry Truman | | |
| | VENEZUELA | (Caracas) | | President Romulo Gallegos | | |
| | SOUTH AFRICA | (Pretoria ae + Cape Town l) | | King George VI | | |