1946-APR-19 |
SG Trygve Lie (no) (since 1946-02-02) |
Capitals & administrative places: | London (London) |
Official & national languages: | English (en) . Spanish (es) . French (fr) . Russian (ru) . Chinese (zh) . |
UNITED NATIONS | United Nations Organization : UNO (London) |
ECOSOC | United Nations Economic and Social Council : ECOSOC (New York + Geneva) | Local: | United Nations Economic and Social Council : ECOSOC (en) + Conseil Économique et Social des Nations Unies : CÉSNU (fr) + Consejo Económico y Social de las Naciones Unidas : CESNU (es) + Ekonomicheskiy i Sotsial´nyy Sovet Organizatsii Ob´yedinonnykh Natsiy : ESSOON – Экономический и Социальный Совет Организации Объединённых Наций : ЭССООН (ru) + Lien-Ho-Kuo Ching-Chi chi She-Huei Li-Shih Huei : 聯合國經濟及社會理事會 (zh) (New York + Genève) |
ICUN | International Committee of United Nations : ICUN (New York) | Local: | International Committee of United Nations : ICUN (en) + Comité international des Nations Unies : CINU (fr) + Comité Internacional de las Naciones Unidas : CINU (es) (New York) |
UNEO | United Nations European Office : UNEO (Geneva) | Local: | Office Européen des Nations Unies : OENU (fr) + United Nations European Office : UNEO (en) (Genève) |
UNS | United Nations Secretariat : UNS (New York) | Local: | United Nations Secretariat : UNS (en) + Secrétariat général des Nations Unies : SGNU (fr) + Secretaría General de Naciones Unidas : SGNU (es) + Sekretariat Organizatsii Ob´yedinonnykh Natsiy : SOON – Секретариат Организации Объединённых Наций : COOH (ru) + Lien-Ho-Kuo Mi-Shu Ch´u : 聯合國秘書處 (zh) (New York) |
UNSC | United Nations Security Council : UNSC (Westminster) | Local: | United Nations Security Council : UNSC (en) + Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas : CSNU (es) + Conseil de Sécurité des Nations Unies : CSNU (fr) + Sovet Bezopasnosti Organizatsii Ob´yedinonnykh Natsiy : SOON – Совет Безопасности Организации Объединённых Наций : СБOO (ru) + Lien-Ho-Kuo An-Ch´üan Li-Shih Huei : LATH – 聯合國安全理事會 (zh) (Westminster) |
UNTT | United Nations Trust Territories : UNTT (London) | Local: | United Nations Trust Territories : UNTT (en) + Territoires sous Tutelle des Nations Unies : TTNU (fr) (London) |
CTO | Communications and Transit Organisation : CTO (Geneva) | Local: | Communications and Transit Organisation : CTO (en) + Organisation pour la Communication et le Transit : OCT (fr) + Organización para la Comunicación y de Tránsito : OCT (es) (Genève) |
FAO | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations : FAO Specialized Agency (Quebec City) | Local: | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations : FAO (en) + Organisation des Nations Unies pour l´Alimentation et l´Agriculture : ONUAA (fr) + Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura : FAO (es) + Prodovolstvennaya i Selskohozyaystvennaya Organizatsiya Obedinennyh Natsy : FAO – Продовольственная и сельскохозяйственная организация Объединенных Наций : ФАО (ru) + Lian-Ho-Kuo Liang-Shih-chi Nung-Yeh Tsu-Chih : 聯合國糧食及農業組織 (zh) (Quebec City) |
ICJ | International Court of Justice : ICJ (The Hague) | Local: | International Court of Justice : ICJ (en) + Cour Internationale de Justice : CIJ (fr) (´s-Gravenhage) |
IHB | International Hydrographic Bureau : IHB Specialized Agency (Monaco) | Local: | Bureau Hydrographique International : Agence spécialisée du BHI (fr) + International Hydrographic Bureau : IHB Specialized Agency (en) (Monaco) |
ILO | International Labour Organization : ILO Specialized Agency (Montreal) | Local: | International Labour Organization : ILO (en) + Organisation Internationale du Travail : OIT (fr) + Organización Internacional del Trabajo : OIT (es) (Montréal) |
IMF | Agreement for International Monetary Fund : IMF (Washington-District of Columbia) | Local: | Agreement for International Monetary Fund : IMF (en) + Accord du Fonds Monétaire International : FMI (fr) + Convenio Constitutivo del Fondo Monetario Internacional : IMF (es) (Washington-District of Columbia) |
INTERNATIONAL BANK | INTERNATIONAL BANK for Reconstruction and Development (Washington-District of Columbia) | Local: | INTERNATIONAL BANK for Reconstruction and Development (en) + BANQUE INTERNATIONALE de Reconstruction et de Développement (fr) + BANCO INTERNACIONAL de Reconstrucción y Fomento (es) (Washington-District of Columbia) |
LNHO | League of Nations Health Organization : LNHO (Geneva) | Local: | League of Nations Health Organization : LNHO (en) + Organisation d´Hygiène de la Société des Nations : OHSN (fr) + Organización de Higiene de la Sociedad de las Naciones : OHSN (es) (Genève) |
PCNB | Permanent Central Narcotics Board : PCNB (Geneva) | Local: | Permanent Central Narcotics Board : PCNB (en) + Organe Central Permanent des Stupéfiants : OCPS (fr) + Junta Central Permanente del Estupefacientes : JCPE (es) (Genève) |
PICAO | Provisional International Civil Aviation Organization : PICAO Specialized Agency (Montreal) | Local: | Provisional International Civil Aviation Organization : PICAO Specialized Agency (en) + Organisation de l´Aviation Civile Internationale Provisoire : Agence spécialisée de l´OACIP (fr) (Montréal) |
UNESCO | United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization : UNESCO Specialized Agency [Organization of Intellectual Cooperation : OIC] (London) | Local: | United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization : UNESCO (en) + Organisation des Nations Unies pour l´Éducation la Science et la Culture : UNESCO (fr) + Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación la Ciencia y la Cultura : UNESCO (es) + Organizatsiya Obedinennyh Natsiy po Voprosam ObrazovanIa Nauki i Kultury : UNESKO – Организация Объединённых Наций по вопросам образования науки и культуры : ЮНЕСКО (ru) + Lien-Ho-Kuo Chia-Yü K´o-Hsüeh-Chi Wen-Hua Tsu-Chih : UNESCO – 聯合國教育、科學及文化組織´ (zh) (London) |
UNRRA | United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration : UNRRA (Washington-District of Columbia) | Local: | United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration : UNRRA (en) (Washington-District of Columbia) |
BRITISH CAMEROONS | BRITISH CAMEROONS Territory [League of Nations Mandate administered from Nigeria] (Buea) | Local: | League of Nations Mandate of BRITISH CAMEROONS (en) (Buea) |
BRITISH TOGOLAND | Administration of BRITISH TOGOLAND [League of Nations Mandate administered from Gold Coast] (Ho) | Local: | Administration of BRITISH TOGOLAND (en) (Ho) |
FRENCH CAMEROON | Autonomous Territory of FRENCH CAMEROON [League of Nations Mandate under French Administration] (Duala) | Local: | Territoire autonome du CAMEROUN (fr) (Douala) |
FRENCH LEVANT | Mandate for Syria and Lebanon : FRENCH LEVANT ((Beirut)) | Local: | Mandat pour la Syrie et le Liban : LEVANT FRANÇAIS (fr) ((Beyrouth)) |
FRENCH TOGO | FRENCH TOGO Territory [League of Nations Mandate under French administration] (Lome) | Local: | Territoire du TOGO FRANÇAIS (fr) (Lomé) |
PRATAS ISLANDS | Territory of PRATAS ISLANDS [Nominally part of Kwangtung Province and Mandated by the United Nations] (Tungsha) | Local: | Territory of PRATAS ISLANDS (en) + TUNG-SHA Ch´iun-Tao : 東沙群島 (zh) (Tung-Sha) |
RUANDA-URUNDI | Province of RUANDA-URUNDI [League of Nations Mandate administered from Belgian Congo] (Usumbura) | Local: | Province du RUANDA-URUNDI (fr) + Provincie ROEANDA-OEROENDI (nl) (Usumbura) |
SOUTH WEST AFRICA | Mandate of South West Africa : SWA [League of Nations Mandate under South African administration] (Windhoek) | Local: | Mandaat van SUIDWES-AFRIKA (af) + Mandate of SOUTH WEST AFRICA (en) + Mandaatgebied van ZUIDWEST-AFRIKA (nl) + Mandatsgebiet SÜDWESTAFRIKA (de) (Windhoek) |
TANGANYIKA | TANGANYIKA Territory [League of Nations Mandate under British administration] (Daressalam) | Local: | TANGANYIKA Territory (en) (Daressalam) |
WESTERN SAMOA | Territory of WESTERN SAMOA [League of Nations Mandate under New Zealand Administration] (Apia) | Local: | Territory of WESTERN SAMOA (en) + Teritori o SAMOA I SISIFO (sm) (Apia) |
PALESTINE | British Mandate for PALESTINE [League of Nations Mandate] (Jerusalem) | King George VI |
ARGENTINE | (Buenos Aires a + Olivos r) | President Edelmiro Julian Farrell | |||||
AUSTRALIA | (Canberra) | King George VI | |||||
BELGIUM | (Brussels) | Regent Prince Charles | |||||
BOLIVIA | (Sucre cj + La Paz eir) | President Gualberto Villarroel | |||||
BRAZIL | (Rio de Janeiro) | President Eurico Gaspar Dutra | |||||
BYELORUSSIA | (Minsk) | Panteleimon Ponomarenko | |||||
CANADA | (Ottawa) | King George VI | |||||
CHILE | (Santiago of Chile a + Valparaiso l + Vina del Mar s) | President Juan Antonio Rios | |||||
COLOMBIA | (Bogota) | Alberto Lleras Camargo | |||||
COSTA RICA | (San Jose) | President Teodoro Picado Michalski | |||||
CZECHOSLOVAKIA | (Prague a) | President Edvard Benes | |||||
CUBA | (Havana) | President Ramon Grau San Martin | |||||
DOMINICAN | (Ciudad Trujillo) | President Generalissimo Rafael Leonidas Trujillo | |||||
DENMARK | (Copenhagen) | King Christian X | |||||
ECUADOR | (San Francisco of Quito) | President Jose Maria Velasco Ibarra | |||||
EGYPT | (Cairo a + Alexandria r) | King Farouk I | |||||
ETHIOPIA | (Addis Ababa) | Emperor Ras Tafari Haile Selassie I | |||||
FRANCE | (Paris) | Felix Gouin | |||||
GREECE | (Athens a) | Regent Archbishop Damaskinos | |||||
GUATEMALA | (Guatemala City) | President Juan Jose Arevalo | |||||
HONDURAS | (Tegucigalpa a + Comayaguela c) | President Tiburcio Carias Andino | |||||
HAITI | (Port Au Prince) | President Franck Lavaud | |||||
INDIA | (New Delhi a + Simla s) | Viceroy Sir Archibald Wavell | |||||
IRAQ | (Baghdad) | King Faysal II | |||||
IRAN | (Tehran) | Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi | |||||
LEBANON | (Beirut a) | President Bechara El-Khoury | |||||
LIBERIA | (Monrovia) | President William Tubman | |||||
LUXEMBOURG | (Luxembourg a) | Grand Duchess Charlotte | |||||
MEXICO | (Mexico City) | President Manuel Avila Camacho | |||||
NICARAGUA | (Managua) | President Anastasio Somoza Garcia | |||||
NETHERLANDS | (Amsterdam a + The Hague jlr + Wassenaar r) | Queen Wilhelmina | |||||
NORWAY | (Oslo) | King Haakon VII | |||||
NEW ZEALAND | (Wellington) | King George VI | |||||
PANAMA | (Panama City) | President Enrique Adolfo Jimenez Brin | |||||
PERU | (Lima) | President Jose Luis Bustamante y Rivero | |||||
PHILIPPINES | (Manila a + Baguio City s) | President Sergio Osmena | |||||
POLAND | (Warsaw a) | Wladyslaw Gomulka | |||||
PARAGUAY | (Assumption) | President Higinio Morinigo | |||||
SAUDI ARABIA | (Riyadh) | King Abdul Aziz bin Saud | |||||
SOVIET UNION | (Moscow a + Sochi s) | Joseph Stalin | |||||
EL SALVADOR | (San Salvador) | President Salvador Castaneda Castro | |||||
SYRIA | (Damascus) | President Shukri al-Kuwatli | |||||
TURKEY | (Ankara a) | President Ismet Inonu | |||||
CHINA | (Chungking t + Nanking c) | Chiang Kai-Shek | |||||
UKRAINE | (Kiev) | Nikita Khrushchev | |||||
UNITED KINGDOM | (London a + Westminster lr + Edinburgh s + Windsor r) | King George VI | |||||
AMERICA | (Washington-District of Columbia) | President Harry Truman | |||||
URUGUAY | (Montevideo) | President Juan Jose de Amezaga | |||||
VENEZUELA | (Caracas) | Romulo Betancourt | |||||
YUGOSLAVIA | (Belgrade) | Marshal Josip Broz Tito | |||||
SOUTH AFRICA | (Pretoria ae + Cape Town l) | King George VI |
ethnia.org © J.-M. Merklin |