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United Nations Organization : UNO

Flag or Logo since 1947-10-20
United Nations Organization : UNO (en) + Organisation des Nations Unies : ONU (fr) + Organización de las Naciones Unidas : ONU (es) + Organizatsiya Obedinnenyh Naziy : OON – Организация Объединённых Наций : OOH (ru) + Lien Ho-Kuo Tsu-Chih: LHK – 聯合國 組織 (zh) Organisation
Emblem or Symbol

SG Trygve Lie (no)
(since 1946-02-02)
Capitals & administrative places: Paris
Official & national languages: English (en) . Spanish (es) . French (fr) . Russian (ru) . Chinese (zh) .


UNITED NATIONS United Nations Organization : UNO  (Paris)

8 Organs or similar:

CND Commission on Narcotic Drugs : CND  (Lake Success)Local: Commission on Narcotic Drugs : CND (en) + Commission sur les Stupéfiants : CND (fr) + Comisión de Drogas : CND (es)  (Lake Success)
ECOSOC United Nations Economic and Social Council : ECOSOC  (New York + Geneva)Local: United Nations Economic and Social Council : ECOSOC (en) + Conseil Économique et Social des Nations Unies : CÉSNU (fr) + Consejo Económico y Social de las Naciones Unidas : CESNU (es) + Ekonomicheskiy i Sotsial´nyy Sovet Organizatsii Ob´yedinonnykh Natsiy : ESSOON – Экономический и Социальный Совет Организации Объединённых Наций : ЭССООН (ru) + Lien-Ho-Kuo Ching-Chi chi She-Huei Li-Shih Huei : 聯合國經濟及社會理​​事會 (zh)  (New York + Genève)
UNEO United Nations European Office : UNEO  (Geneva)Local: Office Européen des Nations Unies : OENU (fr) + United Nations European Office : UNEO (en)  (Genève)
UNGA United Nations General Assembly : UNGA  (Paris)Local: United Nations General Assembly : UNGA (en) + Assemblée Générale des Nations Unies : AGNU (fr) + Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas : AGNU (es) + General´naya Assambleya Organizatsii Ob´yedinonnykh Natsiy : GAOON – Генеральная Ассамблея Организации Объединённых Наций : ГAOOH (ru) + Lien-Ho-Kuo Ta-Huei : LT – 聯合國大會 (zh)  (Paris)
UNNY United Nations Headquarters in New York City : UNNY  (New York)Local: United Nations Headquarters in New York City : UNNY (en) + Quartier Général des Nations Unies à New York : UNNY (fr) + Sede de las Naciones Unidas en Nueva York : UNNY (es) + Tsentral´nyye Uchrezhdeniya Organizatsii Ob´yedinennykh Natsiy : TSUOON – Центральные Учреждения Организации Объединенных Наций : ЦУOOH (ru) + Lien-Ho-Kuo Tsung-Pu Ta-Lou : 聯合國總部大樓 (zh)  (New York)
UNS United Nations Secretariat : UNS  (New York)Local: United Nations Secretariat : UNS (en) + Secrétariat général des Nations Unies : SGNU (fr) + Secretaría General de Naciones Unidas : SGNU (es) + Sekretariat Organizatsii Ob´yedinonnykh Natsiy : SOON – Секретариат Организации Объединённых Наций : COOH (ru) + Lien-Ho-Kuo Mi-Shu Ch´u : 聯合國秘書處 (zh)  (New York)
UNSC United Nations Security Council : UNSC  (Paris)Local: United Nations Security Council : UNSC (en) + Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas : CSNU (es) + Conseil de Sécurité des Nations Unies : CSNU (fr) + Sovet Bezopasnosti Organizatsii Ob´yedinonnykh Natsiy : SOON – Совет Безопасности Организации Объединённых Наций : СБOO (ru) + Lien-Ho-Kuo An-Ch´üan Li-Shih Huei : LATH – 聯合國安全理事會 (zh)  (Paris)
UNTT United Nations Trust Territories : UNTT  (Paris)Local: United Nations Trust Territories : UNTT (en) + Territoires sous Tutelle des Nations Unies : TTNU (fr)  (Paris)

14 Territories:

FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations : FAO Specialized Agency  (Quebec City)Local: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations : FAO (en) + Organisation des Nations Unies pour l´Alimentation et l´Agriculture : ONUAA (fr) + Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura : FAO (es) + Prodovolstvennaya i Selskohozyaystvennaya Organizatsiya Obedinennyh Natsy : FAO – Продовольственная и сельскохозяйственная организация Объединенных Наций : ФАО (ru) + Lian-Ho-Kuo Liang-Shih-chi Nung-Yeh Tsu-Chih : 聯合國糧食及農業組織 (zh)  (Québec)
IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development : IBRD  (Washington-District of Columbia)Local: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development : IBRD (en) + Banque Internationale de Reconstruction et de Développement : BIRD (fr) + Banco Internacional de Reconstrucción y Desarrollo : BIRD (es) + Mezhdunarodnyy Bank Rekonstruktsii i Razvitiya : Международный Банк Реконструкции и Развития : МБРР (ru) + Kuo-Chi Fu-Hsing ho K´ai-Fa Yin-Hang : SHIH-CHIEH YIN-HANG – 國際復興和開發銀行: 世界銀行 (zh)  (Washington-District of Columbia)
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization : ICAO Specialized Agency  (Geneva)Local: International Civil Aviation Organization : ICAO Specialized Agency (en) + Organisation de l´Aviation Civile Internationale : Agence spécialisée de l´OACI (fr)  (Genève)
ICJ International Court of Justice : ICJ  (The Hague)Local: International Court of Justice : ICJ (en) + Cour Internationale de Justice : CIJ (fr)  (´s-Gravenhage)
ILO International Labour Organization : ILO Specialized Agency  (Geneva)Local: International Labour Organization : ILO (en) + Organisation Internationale du Travail : OIT (fr) + Organización Internacional del Trabajo : OIT (es)  (Genève)
IMF International Monetary Fund : IMF Specialized Agency  (Washington-District of Columbia)Local: International Monetary Fund : IMF (en) + Fonds Monétaire International : FMI (fr) + Fondo Monetario Internacional : FMI (es)  (Washington-District of Columbia)
IRO International Refugee Organization : IRO Specialized Agency  (Geneva)Local: International Refugee Organization : IRO (en) + Organisation Internationale pour les Réfugiés : OIR (fr)  (Genève)
ITU International Telecommunication Union : ITU Specialized Agency  (Geneva)Local: International Telecommunication Union : ITU (en) + Union Internationale des Télécommunications : UIT (fr) + Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones: UIT (es) + Mezhdunarodnyy Soyuz Elektrosvyazi : MSE – Международный Союз Электросвязи : МСЭ (ru) + Kuo-Chi Tien-Hsin Lien-Meng : KTL – 國際電信聯盟 (zh)  (Genève)
PASB Pan-American Sanitary Bureau : PASB  (Washington-District of Columbia)Local: Pan-American Sanitary Bureau : PASB (en) + Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana : OSP (es) + Bureau Sanitaire Panaméricain : BSP (fr)  (Washington-District of Columbia)
UNESCO United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization : UNESCO Specialized Agency  (Paris)Local: United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization : UNESCO (en) + Organisation des Nations Unies pour l´Éducation la Science et la Culture : UNESCO (fr) + Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación la Ciencia y la Cultura : UNESCO (es) + Organizatsiya Obedinennyh Natsiy po Voprosam ObrazovanIa Nauki i Kultury : UNESKO – Организация Объединённых Наций по вопросам образования науки и культуры : ЮНЕСКО (ru) + Lien-Ho-Kuo Chia-Yü K´o-Hsüeh-Chi Wen-Hua Tsu-Chih : UNESCO – 聯合國教育、科學及文化組織´ (zh)  (Paris)
UNICEF United Nations International Children´s Emergency Fund : UNICEF Temporary Agency  (New York)Local: United Nations International Children´s Emergency Fund : UNICEF (en) + Fonds des Nations Unies pour l´Enfance : UNICEF (fr) + Fondo de Naciones Unidas para la Infancia : UNICEF (es) + Detskiy Fond Organizatsii Obedinennyh Natsiy : UNICEF – Детский фонд Организации Объединённых Наций : ЮНИСЕ (ru) + Lien-He-Guo Er-Tong Ji-Jin-Hui : 联合国儿童基金会 (zh)  (New York)
UNRRA United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration : UNRRA  (Washington-District of Columbia)Local: United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration : UNRRA (en)  (Washington-District of Columbia)
UPU Universal Postal Union : UPU Specialized Agency  (Berne)Local: Union postale universelle : UPU (fr)  (Bern)
WHO World Health Organization : WHO Specialized Agency  (Pregny)Local: World Health Organization : WHO (en) + Organización Mundial de la Salud : OMS (es) + Organisation Mondiale de la Santé : OMS (fr) + Vsemirnaya Organizatsiya Zdravoohraneniya : VOZ – Всемирная Oрганизация Здравоохранения : BOЗ (ru) + Shih-Chieh Wei-Sheng Tsu-Chih : SWT – 世界衛生組織 (zh)  (Pregny)

14 Condominiums:

BRITISH CAMEROONS BRITISH CAMEROONS Territory [United Nations Trust Territory of the Cameroons under British Administration administered from Nigeria]  (Buea)Local: United Nations Trust Territory of the CAMEROONS under British Administration (en)  (Buea)
BRITISH TOGOLAND Administration of BRITISH TOGOLAND [United Nations Trust Territory administered from Gold Coast]  (Ho)Local: Administration of BRITISH TOGOLAND (en)  (Ho)
FRENCH CAMEROON Territory of FRENCH CAMEROON [United Nations Trust Territory under French Administration]  (Yaounde)Local: Territoire du CAMEROUN (fr)  (Yaoundé)
NAURU Territory of NAURU [United Nations Trust Territory under Australian Administration]  (Makwa)Local: Trust Territory of NAURU (en) + Teritori NAOERO (na)  (Makwa)
NORTH-EAST NEW GUINEA Territory of NORTH-EAST NEW GUINEA [United Nations Trust Territory under Australian administration]  (Rabaul)Local: Territory of NORTH-EAST NEW GUINEA (en)  (Rabaul)
PACIFIC ISLANDS Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands : TTPI [United Nations Trust Territory under United States Navy Administration]  ((Agana))Local: Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands : TTPI (en)  ((Agaña))
PRATAS ISLANDS Territory of PRATAS ISLANDS [Nominally part of Kwangtung Province and Mandated by the United Nations]  (Tungsha)Local: Territory of PRATAS ISLANDS (en) + TUNG-SHA Ch´iun-Tao : 東沙群島 (zh)  (Tung-Sha)
RUANDA-URUNDI Province of RUANDA-URUNDI [United Nations Trust Territory administered from Belgian Congo]  (Usumbura)Local: Province du RUANDA-URUNDI (fr) + Provincie ROEANDA-OEROENDI (nl)  (Usumbura)
TANGANYIKA TANGANYIKA Territory [United Nations Trust Territory under British administration]  (Dar Es Salaam)Local: Territory of TANGANYIKA (en)  (Dar Es Salaam)
UNTSO United Nations Truce Supervision Organization : UNTSO  (Cairo)Local: United Nations Truce Supervision Organization : UNTSO (en) + Organisme des Nations Unies chargé de la Surveillance de la Trêve : ONUST (fr)  (Al-Qahirah)
VAN MOOK LINE Renville Agreement : United Nations Security Council led Committee of Good Offices : CGO  (Batavia)Local: Committee of Good Offices : CGO (en)  (Batavia)
WESTERN SAMOA Territory of WESTERN SAMOA [United Nations Trust Territory under New Zealand Administration]  (Apia)Local: United Nations Trust Territory of WESTERN SAMOA (en) + Teritori o SAMOA I SISIFO (sm)  (Apia)
ZONE A OF TRIESTE ZONE A of the Free Territory of Trieste [United Nations Mandate under Anglo-American administration]  (Trieste)Local: Allied Military Government in the Zone A of the Free Territory of Trieste : AMGOT TRIESTE (en) + Territorio Libero di TRIESTE (it)  (Trieste)
ZONE B OF TRIESTE Zone B of the Free Territory of TRIESTE [Yugoslav Administration]  (Capodistria)Local: Vojna Uprava Jugoslavenske Armije Slobodni Teritorij Trsta : TRSTA ZONA B – Војна Управа Југославенске Армије Трста : ТРСТА ЗОНА Б (sh)  (Koper)

4 Assisted Countries

AZAD JAMMU AND KASHMIR Free State of Jammu and Kashmir : AJK [United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan-UNCIP]  (Muzaffarabad) President Sardar Mohammad Ibrahim Khan
FRENCH TOGO FRENCH TOGO Associated Territory [United Nations Trust Territory under French administration]  (Lome) President Vincent Auriol
JAMMU AND KASHMIR State of JAMMU AND KASHMIR [United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan : UNCIP]  (Jammu w + Srinagar s) Maharajah Sir Hari Singh
TRIESTE Free Territory of TRIESTE [Anglo-American and Yugoslav Administrations under United Nations supervision]  (Trieste) Allied Governors

58 Members (excluding the associate or suspended members but including the countries represented on their behalf)   [The rulers are not necessarily the representatives in the organisation. ] :

AFGHANISTAN (Kabul) King Mohammad Zahir Shah
ARGENTINE (Buenos Aires a + Olivos r) President Juan Peron
AUSTRALIA (Canberra) King George VI
BELGIUM (Brussels) Regent Prince Charles
BOLIVIA (Sucre cj + La Paz eir) President Enrique Hertzog
BRAZIL (Rio de Janeiro) President Eurico Gaspar Dutra
BYELORUSSIA (Minsk) Nikolai Gusarov
CANADA (Ottawa) King George VI
CHILE (Santiago of Chile a + Valparaiso l + Vina del Mar s) President Gabriel Gonzalez Videla
COLOMBIA (Bogota) President Mariano Ospina Perez
COSTA RICA (San Jose) President Jose Figueres Ferrer
CZECHOSLOVAKIA (Prague a) Rudolf Slansky
CUBA (Havana) President Ramon Grau San Martin
DOMINICAN (Ciudad Trujillo) President Generalissimo Rafael Leonidas Trujillo
DENMARK (Copenhagen) King Frederick IX
ECUADOR (San Francisco of Quito) President Carlos Julio Arosemena Tola
EGYPT (Cairo a + Alexandria r) King Farouk I
ETHIOPIA (Addis Ababa) Emperor Ras Tafari Haile Selassie I
FRENCH UNION (Paris) President Vincent Auriol
GREECE (Athens a) King Paul I
GUATEMALA (Guatemala City) President Juan Jose Arevalo
HONDURAS (Tegucigalpa a + Comayaguela c) President Tiburcio Carias Andino
HAITI (Port Au Prince) President Jean Dumarsais Estime
INDIAN UNION (New Delhi a + Simla s) Chakravarti Rajagopalachari
IRAQ (Baghdad) King Faysal II
IRAN (Tehran) Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi
ICELAND (Reykjavik a + Alftanes r) President Sveinn Bjornsson
LEBANON (Beirut a) President Bechara El-Khoury
LIBERIA (Monrovia) President William Tubman
LUXEMBOURG (Luxembourg a) Grand Duchess Charlotte
BURMA (Rangoon a) President Sao Shwe Thaik
MEXICO (Mexico City) President Miguel Aleman Valdez
NICARAGUA (Managua) President Victor Manuel Roman y Reyes
NETHERLANDS (Amsterdam a + The Hague jlr + Wassenaar r) Queen Wilhelmina
NORWAY (Oslo) King Haakon VII
NEW ZEALAND (Wellington) King George VI
PANAMA (Panama City) President Enrique Adolfo Jimenez Brin
PERU (Lima) President Jose Luis Bustamante y Rivero
PHILIPPINES (Quezon City a + Manila l + Baguio City s) President Elpidio Quirino
PAKISTAN (Karachi) Muhammad Ali Jinnah
POLAND (Warsaw a) Wladyslaw Gomulka
PARAGUAY (Assumption) President Juan Natalicio Gonzalez
SAUDI ARABIA (Riyadh) King Abdul Aziz bin Saud
SWEDEN (Stockholm) King Gustav V
SOVIET UNION (Moscow a + Sochi s) Joseph Stalin
EL SALVADOR (San Salvador) President Salvador Castaneda Castro
SYRIA (Damascus) President Shukri al-Kuwatli
SIAM (Bangkok) King Rama IX Bhumibol Adulyadej
TURKEY (Ankara a) President Ismet Inonu
CHINA (Nanking a) President Chiang Kai-Shek
UKRAINE (Kiev) Nikita Khrushchev
UNITED KINGDOM (London a + Westminster lr + Edinburgh s + Windsor r) King George VI
AMERICA (Washington-District of Columbia) President Harry Truman
URUGUAY (Montevideo) President Luis Batlle Berres
VENEZUELA (Caracas) President Romulo Gallegos
YEMEN (Taiz a) Imam and King Ahmad IV ash-Shams
YUGOSLAVIA (Belgrade) Marshal Josip Broz Tito
SOUTH AFRICA (Pretoria ae + Cape Town l) King George VI

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UPDATED ON: ~ 2024-SEP-07 ~ .