Yugoslavia 1945-MAY-05 - ethnia.org -


CHETNIK YUGOSLAVIA (Mountains of Bosnia) Rebellion Yugoslav Army of Fatherland : CHETNIK YUGOSLAVIA : General Draza Mihailovich
YUGOSLAVIA-IN-EXILE (London) Exile Kingdom of YUGOSLAVIA-in-Exile : King Alexander I. Karageorgevich
YUGOSLAVIA (Belgrade) SDN Member Provisional Government of the Democratic Federative Yugoslavia : DFY [Democratic Federation of Yugoslavia] : Marshal Josip Broz Tito

Other Entities with similar names

Provisional Government of the Democratic Federative Yugoslavia : DFY [Democratic Federation of Yugoslavia]

Provisional Government of the Democratic Federative Yugoslavia : DFY
[Democratic Federation of Yugoslavia]

Flag or logo since 1943-11-29*
Privremena vlada Demokratske Federativne Jugoslavije : DFJ – Привремена влада Демократске Федеративне Југославије : ДФЈ (sh) SDN Member
Emblem or Symbol*

Marshal Josip Broz Tito
(ruler of YUGOSLAVIA since 1943-11-29)
Capitals & administrative places*: Belgrade
Official & national languages: Serbocroatian (sh) .


YUGOSLAVIA Democratic Federal Yugoslavia : DFY  (Belgrade)

6 Federated Divisions:

BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA Federated State of BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA  (Sarajevo)Local: Savezna Država BOSNA-HERZEGOVINA : Савезни Држава БОСНА-ХЕРЦЕГОВИНА (sh)  (Sarajevo)
MACEDONIA Territory of MACEDONIA  (Skopje)Local: MAKEDONIJA okrug : МАКЕДОНИЈА округ (sh)  (Skoplje)
MONTENEGRO Federal State of MONTENEGRO  (Cetinje)Local: Federalna Država CRNA GORA : Федерална Држава ЦРНА ГОРА (sh)  (Cetinje)
SERBIA Federal State of SERBIA  (Belgrade)Local: Federalna Država SRBIJA : Федерална Држава СРБИЈА (sh)  (Beograd)
SLOVENIA National State of SLOVENIA  (Haidenschaft)Local: Država SLOVENIJA (sl) + Država SLOVENIJA : Држава СЛОВЕНИЈА (sh)  (Ajdovščina)
YUGOSLAV CROATIA Federal State of CROATIA [Anti-Fascist Council of National Liberation of Croatia]  (Sisak)Local: Federalna Država HRVATSKA (hr) + Savezna Država HRVATSKA : Савезни Држава ХРВАТСКА (sh)  (Sisak)

5 Territories:

ISTRIA Yugoslav Military Governorate of ISTRIA  (Pazin)Local: Jugoslovenska Vojna Vlada ISTRE : Југословенска Bојна Bлада ИСТРЕ (sh)  (Pazin)
KOSOVO Territory of KOSOVO  (Prishtina)Local: KOSOSVSKI Kraj : КОСОВСКИ Крај (sh)  (Priština)
LAGOSTA Archipelago of LAGOSTA [Yugoslav Control]  (Lagosta)Local: Archipelag LASTOVO : Aрцхипелаг ЛАСТОВО (sh)  (Lastovo)
RIJEKA Yugoslav Occupied City of RIJEKA  (Rijeka)Local: Grad RIJEKA (hr) + Grad RIJEKA : Град РИЈЕКА (sh)  (Rijeka)
ZONE B OF TRIESTE Yugoslav Military Governorate of ZONE B OF TRIESTE  (Abbazia)Local: Vojna Uprava Jugoslavenske Armije Slobodni Teritorij TRSTA ZONA B : Војна Управа Југославенске Армије ТРСТА ЗОНА Б (sh)  (Opatija)

1 Condominium:

BANAT BACHKA AND BARANYA Yugoslav Military Territory of BANAT BACHKA AND BARANYA  (Novi Sad)Local: Teritorija BANAT BAČKA I BARANJA : Територија БАНАТ БАЧКА И БАРАЊА (sh)  (Novi Sad)

25 Organisations or Groupings membership (selective)

AIR SPORTS World Air Sports Federation : WASF  (Lausanne)
ALLIED POWERS Military Defence Pact of the ALLIED POWERS  (Washington-District of Columbia)
CENTRAL BANK Bank for International Settlements : BIS  (Basle)
CIVIL AVIATION Chicago Convention on International CIVIL AVIATION  (Chicago)
CTO Communications and Transit Organisation : CTO  (Geneva)
EFO Economic and Financial Organization of the League of Nations : EFO  (Brusells)
FIFA Federation of International Football Association : FIFA  (Zurich)
HAGUE CONVENTION Permanent Court of Arbitration : PCA  (The Hague)
IGCR High Commission for Refugees : Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees : IGCR  (Berne)
ILO International Labour Organization : ILO Specialized Agency  (Montreal)
INTER-PARLIAMENTARY UNION Inter-Parliamentary Union : IPU  (Geneva)
INTERNATIONAL POLICE International Criminal Police Commission : ICPC  (Berlin)
LEAGUE OF NATIONS League of Nations Covenant : LON  (Geneva)
LEAGUE OF RED CROSS League of Red Cross Societies : LORCS  (Geneva)
LNHO League of Nations Health Organization : LNHO  (Geneva)
OLYMPIC GAMES International Olympic Committee : IOC  (Lausanne)
PANEUROPA PANEUROPEAN Movement : international Committees for the European Federation  (Washington-District of Columbia)
PCIJ Permanent Court of International Justice : PCIJ  (The Hague)
PUBLIC HEALTH International Office of Public Health : IOPH  (Paris)
RED CROSS International Committee of the Red Cross : ICRC  (Geneva)
REFRIGERATION International Institute of Refrigeration : IIR  (Paris)
TELECOMMUNICATION International Telecommunication Union : ITU  (Berne)
UNCIO United Nations Conference on International Organization : UNCIO  (San Francisco)
UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION Universal Postal Union : UPU  (Berne)
UNRRA United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration : UNRRA  (Washington-District of Columbia)

Other Independent or Semi-Independent Polities within the 2024's internationally recognized Country boundaries:

CHETNIK YUGOSLAVIA Yugoslav Army of Fatherland : CHETNIK YUGOSLAVIA  (Mountains of Bosnia)

Other Territories or Entities within the 2024's internationally recognized Country boundaries:


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UPDATED ON: ~ 2024-APR-02 ~ .