Colombia 2009-JAN-01 - -

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COLOMBIA-ELN (Catatumbo) Rebellion National Liberation Army of Colombia : ELN-COLOMBIA : Antonio Garcia
COLUMBIA (Washington-District of Columbia)  District of COLUMBIA [Autonomous Government of New Columbia] :
BRITISH COLUMBIA (City of Victoria)  Province of BRITISH COLUMBIA :
COLOMBIA (Bogota) UNO Member Republic of COLOMBIA : President Alvaro Uribe
COLOMBIA-FARC (Mountains of Colombia) Rebellion Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People´s Army : FARC-EP : Alfonso Cano

Other Entities with similar names

Republic of COLOMBIA

Republic of COLOMBIA

Flag or Logo since 1955-08-06
República de COLOMBIA (es) UNO Member
Emblem or Symbol

President Alvaro Uribe
(ruler of COLOMBIA since 2002-08-07)
Capitals & administrative places: Bogota
Official & national languages: Spanish (es) .


COLOMBIA Republic of COLOMBIA  (Bogota)

33 Regionalized Divisions:

AMAZON AMAZON Department  (Leticia)Local: Departamento del AMAZONAS (es)  (Leticia)
ANTIOQUIA ANTIOQUIA Department  (Medellin)Local: Departamento de ANTIOQUIA (es)  (Medellín)
ARAUCA ARAUCA Department  (Arauca)Local: Departamento de ARAUCA (es)  (Arauca)
ATLANTIC ATLANTIC Department  (Barranquilla)Local: Departamento del ATLÁNTICO (es)  (Barranquilla)
BOGOTA CAPITAL BOGOTA Capital District  (Bogota)Local: Distrito Capital BOGOTÁ (es)  (Bogotá)
BOLIVAR BOLIVAR Department  (Cartagena of the Indies)Local: Departamento de BOLÍVAR (es)  (Cartagena de Indias)
BOYACA BOYACA Department  (Santiago of Tunja)Local: Departamento de BOYACÁ (es)  (Santiago de Tunja)
CALDAS CALDAS Department  (Manizales)Local: Departamento de CALDAS (es)  (Manizales)
CAQUETA CAQUETA Department  (Florencia)Local: Departamento del CAQUETÁ (es)  (Florencia)
CASANARE CASANARE Department  (Yopal)Local: Departamento de CASANARE (es)  (Yopal)
CAUCA CAUCA Department  (Popayan)Local: Departamento del CAUCA (es)  (Popayán)
CESAR CESAR Department  (Valledupar)Local: Departamento del CESAR (es)  (Ciudad de los Santos Reyes del Valle de Upar)
CHOCO CHOCO Department  (Quibdo)Local: Departamento del CHOCÓ (es)  (Quibdó)
CORDOBA CORDOBA Department  (San Jeronimo of Monteria)Local: Departamento de CÓRDOBA (es)  (San Jerónimo de Montería)
CUNDINAMARCA CUNDINAMARCA Department  (Bogota + (Facatativa))Local: Departamento de CUNDINAMARCA (es)  (Bogotá + (Facatativá))
GUAINIA GUAINIA Department  (Inirida)Local: Departamento del GUAINÍA (es)  (Inírida)
GUAJIRA GUAJIRA Department  (Riohacha)Local: Departamento de LA GUAJIRA (es) + Departamento WAYÚU (guc)  (Riohacha)
GUAVIARE GUAVIARE Department  (San Jose of the Guaviare)Local: Departamento del GUAVIARE (es)  (San José del Guaviare)
HUILA HUILA Department  (Neiva)Local: Departamento del HUILA (es)  (Neiva)
MAGDALENA MAGDALENA Department  (Santa Marta)Local: Departamento del MAGDALENA (es)  (Santa Marta)
META META Department  (Villavicencio)Local: Departamento del META (es)  (Villavicencio)
NARINO NARINO Department  (San Juan of Pasto)Local: Departamento del NARIÑO (es)  (San Juan de Pasto)
NORTH OF SANTANDER NORTH OF SANTANDER Department  (San Jose of Cucuta)Local: Departamento de NORTE DE SANTANDER (es)  (San José de Cúcuta)
PUTUMAYO PUTUMAYO Department  (Mocoa)Local: Departamento del PUTUMAYO (es)  (Mocoa)
QUINDIO QUINDIO Department  (Armenia)Local: Departamento del QUINDÍO (es)  (Armenia)
RISARALDA RISARALDA Department  (Pereira)Local: Departamento del RISARALDA (es)  (Pereira)
SANTANDER SANTANDER Department  (Bucaramanga)Local: Departamento de SANTANDER (es)  (Bucaramanga)
SUCRE SUCRE Department  (Sincelejo)Local: Departamento de SUCRE (es)  (Sincelejo)
TOLIMA TOLIMA Department  (Ibague)Local: Departamento del TOLIMA (es)  (Ibagué)
VALLEY OF CAUCA VALLEY OF CAUCA Department  (Santiago of Cali)Local: Departamento del VALLE DEL CAUCA (es)  (Santiago de Cali)
VAUPES VAUPES Department  (Mitu)Local: Departamento del VAUPÉS (es)  (Mitú)
VICHADA VICHADA Department  (Puerto Carreno)Local: Departamento del VICHADA (es)  (Puerto Carreño)

4 Condominiums:

BAJO NUEVO AND SERRANILLA BANKS Joint Regime Area of the Disputed Territories of BAJO NUEVO AND SERRANILLA BANKS  (Bajo Nuevo)Local: Joint Regime Area of BAJO NUEVO AND SERRANILLA BANKS (en) + Territorios del BANCOS BAJO NUEVO Y SERRANILLA (es)  (Bajo Nuevo)
ROSALIND BANK Disputed Territory of ROSALIND BANK  (-)Local: Territory of ROSALIND BANK (en) + Territorio del BANCO ROSA LINDA (es)  (-)
SINAI PENINSULA Multinational Force and Observers in SINAI PENINSULA Peacekeeping Zones  (Rome + El Gorah + Sharm El-Sheikh)Local: Multinational Force and Observers : MFO (en) + Al-Quat Mutaeadidat al-Jinsiat wal Muraqibun fi SINA´ : القوة متعددة الجنسيات والمراقبون (ar)  (Roma + El Gorah + Sharm Ash-Shaykh)
SINAI ZONE D Sinai Peacekeeping ZONE D  (Zone D)Local: Sinai Peacekeeping ZONE D (en) + Azor SINAI D : אזור סיני ד´ (he) + Mintaqah SINA´ D : منطقة سيناء د (ar)  (Zone D)

1 Assisted Movement

COLOMBIA-ELN National Liberation Army of Colombia : ELN-COLOMBIA  (Catatumbo) Antonio Garcia

88 Organisations or Groupings membership (selective)

AIR SPORTS World Air Sports Federation : WASF  (Lausanne)
AMAZON Secretariat of Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization : ACTO  (Brasilia)
AMERICAN STATES Organization of American States : OAS  (Washington-District of Columbia)
ANDES Andean System of Integration : ASI  (Lima + Bogota)
ANTARCTICA Antarctic Treaty System : ATS  ((Buenos Aires))
CAIRNS GROUP THE CAIRNS GROUP of Fair Trading Nations  (Cairns)
CARIBBEAN BANK Caribbean Development Bank : CDB  (Bridgetown)
CARIBBEAN STATES Association of Caribbean States : ACS  (Port of Spain)
CHEMICAL WEAPONS PROHIBITION Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons : OPCW  (The Hague)
COMMON FUND Common Fund for Commodities : CFC  (Geneva)
COMSATS Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South : COMSATS  (Islamabad)
CUSTOMS World Customs Organization : WCO  (Brussels)
DEVELOPMENT LAW International Development Law Organization : IDLO  (Rome)
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations : FAO Specialized Agency  (Rome)
FIFA Federation of International Football Association : FIFA  (Zurich)
GLOBAL FUND The Global Fund to Fight Aids Tuberculosis and Malaria : GFATM  (Vernier-Geneva)
GROUP OF SEVENTY-SEVEN GROUP OF SEVENTY-SEVEN at the United Nations [Coalition of Developing Countries]  (New York)
GROUP OF TWENTY-FOUR Intergovernmental Group of Twenty-Four on International Monetary Affairs and Development : GROUP OF TWENTY-FOUR  (Washington-District of Columbia)
HAGUE CONVENTION Permanent Court of Arbitration : PCA  (The Hague)
HUMANITARIAN LAW International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission : IHFFC  (Berne)
HYDROGRAPHY International Hydrographic Organization : IHO  (Monaco)
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency : IAEA Specialized Agency  (Vienna)
IBERO-AMERICAN STATES Organization of Ibero-American States for Education Science and Culture : OIS  (Madrid)
IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development : IBRD  (Washington-District of Columbia)
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization : ICAO Specialized Agency  (Montreal)
ICJ International Court of Justice : ICJ  (The Hague)
IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development : IFAD Specialized Agency  (Rome)
ILO International Labour Organization : ILO Specialized Agency  (Geneva)
IMF International Monetary Fund : IMF Specialized Agency  (Washington-District of Columbia)
IMO International Maritime Organization : IMO Specialized Agency  (London)
IMSO International Mobile Satellite Organization : IMSO  (London)
INBAR International Bamboo and Rattan Organisation : INBAR  (Beijing)
INTER-AMERICAN BANK Inter-American Development Bank : IADB  (Washington-District of Columbia)
INTER-PARLIAMENTARY UNION Inter-Parliamentary Union : IPU  (Grand Saconnex)
INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT International Criminal Court : ICCT  (The Hague)
INTERPOL International Criminal Police Organization : ICPO  (Lyons)
ISO International Organization for Standardization : ISO  (Geneva)
ITALY-LATIN AMERICA Italian-Latin American Institute : ILAI  (Rome)
ITSO International Telecommunications Satellite Organization : ITSO  (Washington-District of Columbia)
ITU International Telecommunication Union : ITU Specialized Agency  (Geneva)
LATIN AMERICA Latin American Integration Association : LAIA  (Montevideo)
LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN Latin American and Caribbean Economic System : LAES  (Caracas)
LATIN AMERICAN BANK Andean Development Corporation-Development Bank of Latin America : ADC  (Caracas)
LATIN UNION Latin Union : LU  (Paris)
MARITIME LAW International Maritime Committee : IMC  (Antwerp)
MIGRATION International Organization for Migration : IOM  (Geneva)
NON-ALIGNED Non-Aligned Movement : NAM [Coordinating Bureau – Non-Aligned Movement Centre for South-South Technical Cooperation : NAM CSSTC]  (Havana + New York + Jakarta)
NUCLEAR NON-PROLIFERATION Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty : NPT  (New York)
NUCLEAR TEST BAN Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Organization : CTBTO [Provisional Secretariat]  (Vienna)
OHCHR Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights : OHCHR Specialized Agency  (Geneva)
OLYMPIC GAMES International Olympic Committee : IOC  (Lausanne)
OPANAL Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean : OPANAL  (Mexico City)
PAHO Pan-American Health Organization : PAHO  (Washington-District of Columbia)
PARLATINO Latin American Parliament : PARLATINO  (Panama City)
PEACE World Peace Council : WPC  (Athens)
RED CROSS International Committee of the Red Cross : ICRC  (Geneva)
RED CROSS AND RED CRESCENT International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies : IFRCS  (Geneva)
RIO GROUP RIO GROUP International Organization  (Zacatecas)
RIO PACT Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance : IATRA  (Rio de Janeiro)
SOUTH AMERICAN NATIONS Union of South American Nations : UNASUR  (Brasilia + San Benito)
SOUTH-SOUTH Partners in Population and Development : PPD  (Dhaka + Kampala + Taicang)
TROPICAL TUNA Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission : IATTC  (San Diego-La Jolla)
UN-HABITAT United Nations Human Settlements Programme : UN-HABITAT Specialized Agency  (Nairobi)
UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development : UNCTAD  (Geneva)
UNDP United Nations Development Programme : UNDP Specialized Agency  (New York)
UNEP United Nations Environmental Programme : UNEP Specialized Agency  (Nairobi)
UNESCO United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization : UNESCO Specialized Agency  (Paris)
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change : UNFCCC  (New York)
UNHCR United Nations High Commission for Refugees : UNHCR Agency  (Geneva)
UNICEF United Nations International Children´s Emergency Fund : UNICEF Specialized Agency  (New York)
UNIDIR United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research : UNIDIR Specialized Agency  (Geneva)
UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization : UNIDO Specialized Agency  (Vienna)
UNIFEM United Nations Development Fund for Women : UNIFEM  (New York)
UNITED NATIONS United Nations Organization : UNO  (New York)
UNODA United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs : UNODA [Conference on Disarmament]  (Geneva)
UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime : UNODC Agency  (Vienna)
UNOOSA Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies : OUTER SPACE Treaty  (Vienna)
UNWTO World Tourism Organization : UNWTO Specialized Agency  (Madrid)
UPEACE University for Peace : UPEACE  (Ciudad Colon)
UPU Universal Postal Union : UPU Specialized Agency  (Berne)
WFP World Food Programme : WFP  (Rome)
WHO World Health Organization : WHO Specialized Agency  (Pregny-Chambesy)
WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization : WIPO Specialized Agency  (Geneva)
WMO World Meteorological Organization : WMO Specialized Agency  (Geneva)
WORLD BUSINESS International Chamber of Commerce : ICC [The Word Business Organization]  (Paris)
WORLD TRADE World Trade Organization : WTO  (Geneva)
WORLD TRADE LAW Advisory Centre on World Trade Organization Law : ACWL  (Geneva)

Other Independent or Semi-Independent Polities within the 2024's internationally recognized Country boundaries:

COLOMBIA-ELN National Liberation Army of Colombia : ELN-COLOMBIA  (Catatumbo)
COLOMBIA-FARC Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People´s Army : FARC-EP  (Mountains of Colombia)

Other Territories or Entities within the 2024's internationally recognized Country boundaries:

SERRANILLA BANK Disputed Territory of SERRANILLA BANK  (Beacon Cay)

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UPDATED ON: ~ 2024-JUN-09 ~ .