Pakistan 1947-NOV-02 - -

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(Karachi) - (London a + Westminster lr + Edinburgh s + Windsor r) -

Dominion of PAKISTAN

Flag or Logo since 1947-08-14
Dominion of PAKISTAN (en) + PÂKISTÂN ky Dumnyn : پاکستان کے ڈومنین (ur) UNO Member
Emblem or Symbol

Muhammad Ali Jinnah
(ruler of PAKISTAN since 1947-08-15)

King George VI
(ruler of UNITED KINGDOM since 1936-12-11)
Capitals & administrative places: Karachi
Official & national languages: English (en) . Urdu (ur) .


PAKISTAN Dominion of PAKISTAN  (Karachi)

5 Federated Divisions:

BALUCHISTAN DISTRICTS Baluchistan Province and Tribal Areas : BALUCHISTAN DISTRICTS  (Quetta)Local: BALUCHISTAN Kyazilla : بلوچستان کے اضلاع (ur) + BALUCHISTAN Province and Tribal Areas : BALUCHISTAN DISTRICTS (en)  (Quetta)
EAST BENGAL Autonomous Province of EAST BENGAL  (Dacca)Local: MISRAQY BANGAL Sübha : مشرقی بنگال صوبہ (ur) + Province of EAST BENGAL (en)  (Dacca)
NORTH-WEST FRONTIER North-West Frontier Province : NWFP  (Peshawar)Local: ŚHUMĀL MAĠRIBĪ SARHADĪ Sūbha : شمال مغربی سرحدی صوبے (ur) + North-West Frontier Province : NWFP (en)  (Peshawar)
SIND SIND Province  (Karachi)Local: Sübha SIND : صوبہ سندھ (ur) + SIND Province (en) + SINDH : سنڌ (sd)  (Karachi)
WEST PUNJAB WEST PUNJAB Province of Pakistan  (Lahore)Local: MEGREBY PENJAB Sübha : مغربی پنجاب صوبہ (ur) + WEST PUNJAB Province (en) + PACHAMI PANJABa-de Sube : مغربی پنجاب صوبہ (pa)  (Lāhawr)

2 Largely Autonomous or Semi-Independent Polities

CHITRAL CHITRAL State  (Chitral + Mastuj) Prince Mohammad Mozaffar al-Molk
JUNAGADH JUNAGADH State  (Junagadh) Sultan Nawab Sir Mohammad Mahabat Khanji III

Dependent Protectorate:

MALAKAND TRIBAL MALAKAND Protected Area  (Mingora)Local: MALAKAND Protected Area (en) + MALAKAND : مالاکنڈ محفوظ علاقے (ur)  (Mīngawara)

5 Assisted Countries

AZAD JAMMU AND KASHMIR Free State of Jammu and Kashmir : AJK  (Muzaffarabad) President Sardar Mohammad Ibrahim Khan
BAHAWALPUR BAHAWALPUR State [under Pakistani Suzerainty]  (Bahawalpur) Emir Sadeq Mohammad Khan V
GILGIT Islamic Republic of GILGIT  (Gilgit) President Raja Shah Rais Khan
KHAIRPUR Princely State of KHAIRPUR [under Pakistani Suzerainty]  (Khairpur) Prince George Ali Morad Khan
PHULRA State of PHULRA  (Phulra) Nawab Abdul Latif Khan

8 Organisations or Groupings membership (selective)

FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations : FAO Specialized Agency  (Quebec City)
ICJ International Court of Justice : ICJ  (The Hague)
ILO International Labour Organization : ILO Specialized Agency  (Geneva)
TELECOMMUNICATION International Telecommunication Union : ITU  (Berne)
UNICEF United Nations International Children´s Emergency Fund : UNICEF Temporary Agency  (New York)
UNITED NATIONS United Nations Organization : UNO  (London o + Geneva p)
WORLD TOURISM International Union of Official Travel Organizations : IUOTO  (London)

Other Independent or Semi-Independent Polities within the 2024's internationally recognized Country boundaries:

AMB Princely State of AMB  (Darband a + Shergarh s)
AZAD JAMMU AND KASHMIR Free State of Jammu and Kashmir : AJK  (Muzaffarabad)
BAHAWALPUR BAHAWALPUR State [under Pakistani Suzerainty]  (Bahawalpur)
CHITRAL CHITRAL State  (Chitral + Mastuj)
DIR Khanate of DIR State  (Dir)
GILGIT Islamic Republic of GILGIT  (Gilgit)
KALAT Independent State of KALAT [Baluchistan]  (Kalat)
KHAIRPUR Princely State of KHAIRPUR [under Pakistani Suzerainty]  (Khairpur)
KHARAN Independent State of KHARAN  (Kharan)
MAKRAN MAKRAN State [Vassal State of Kalat]  (Turbat-Kech)
PHULRA State of PHULRA  (Phulra)
SWAT SWAT State [under Pakistani Suzerainty]  (Saidu Sharif)

Other Territories or Entities within the 2024's internationally recognized Country boundaries:

BAGH BAGH Tehsil  (Bagh)
DAREL DAREL Unadministered Tribal Area  (Domot)
DAREL AND TANGIR DAREL AND TANGIR Unadministered Tribal Areas  (Juglote)
GHIZER GHIZER State  (Ghizer)
GWADUR Governorate of GWADUR [Enclave in Pakistan]  (Gwadur)
HAZARAS HAZARA Agency  (Jalkot)
HUNZA State of HUNZA  (Baltit)
ISHKOMAN Autonomous Province of ISHKOMAN  (Chator Khand)
JANDOOL JANDOOL Khanate  (Barwa)
KOHISTAN KOHISTAN Agency [Kohistan Tribal Area]  (Palas)
KUH KUH State [State of Gupis]  (Gupis)
NAGAR State of NAGAR  (Nagar)
POONCH Occupied Territory of POONCH  (Poonch)
PUNIAL PUNIAL State  (Punial)
SHIGAR SHIGAR State  (Shigar)
SUDHNOTI SUDHNOTI Tehsil  (Pallandri)
TANGIR TANGIR Unadministered Tribal Area  (Kami)
YASIN YASIN State  (Yasin)

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UPDATED ON: ~ 2024-JUN-09 ~ .