Aden 1937-APR-01 - -

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BRITISH COMMONWEALTH of Nations [British Colonial Empire]
(London a + Westminster lr + Edinburgh s + Windsor r)

BRITISH ADEN Colony and Protectorates

Flag or Logo since 1937-04-01
BRITISH ADEN Colony and Protectorates (en)
Emblem or Symbol

King George VI
(ruler of UNITED KINGDOM since 1936-12-11)
Capitals & administrative places: Aden
Official & national languages: English (en) .


ADEN BRITISH ADEN Colony and Protectorates  (Aden)

4 Federated Divisions:

BRITISH ADEN British Crown Colony of ADEN  (Aden)Local: Crow Colony of ADEN (en) + Musta´marat ´ADAN : مستعمرة عدن (ar)  (Aden)
EASTERN ADEN States of EASTERN ADEN Protectorates  (Mukalla)Local: EASTERN ADEN Protectorates (en) + Maḥmiyyat ´ADAN ASH-SHARQ : محمية عدن المحميات (ar)  (Al-Mukalla)
UPPER YAFA Sultanate of UPPER YAFA [British Protectorate]  (Mahjaba)Local: Sultanate of UPPER YAFA (en) + Saltanat YAFA` AL-ULYA : سلطنة يافع العليا (ar)  (Mahjabah)
WESTERN ADEN States of the WESTERN ADEN Protectorates  (Houta-Lahej The Green)Local: WESTERN ADEN Protectorates (en) + Muhmiat ADAN AL-GHARBIA : محمية عدن الغربية (ar)  (Al Houta-Lahej Al-Khathra)

Dependent Protectorates:

ALAWI ALAWI Sheikhdom of Al Kasha [British Protectorate]  (Al Sawda Kasha)Local: ALAWI Sheikhdom of Al Kasha (en) + Al-Mashyakha AL-`ALAWIYYA : مشيخة العلوي (ar)  (Al Sawda Kasha)
AQRABI AQRABI Sheikhdom of Bir Ahmad [British Protectorate]  (Bir Ahmad)Local: AQRABI Sheikhdom of Bir Ahmad (en) + Al-Mashyakha AL-`AQRABIYYA : مشيخة عقربي (ar)  (Bir Ahmad)
AUDHALI AUDHALI Sultanate [British Protectorate]  (Lodar)Local: AWDHALI Sultanate (en) + Al-Saltana AL-`AWDHALIYYA : سلطنة العوذلي (ar)  (Lawdar)
BA KAZIM Sheikhdoms of BA KAZIM [Vassal State of Lower Aulaqi]  (Majalah)Local: Sheikhdoms of BA KAZIM (en) + Mushykhat BA KAZIM : المشيخات با كاظم (ar)  (Al-Ma´jalah)
BEIHAN Hashemite Emirate of BEIHAN  (Beihan Al-Qasab + Nukub)Local: Imarat BAYHAN : إمارة بيحان (ar) + Emirate of BEIHAN (en)  (Bayhan Al-Qisab + An-Nuqub)
DATHINA Tribal Confederation of DATHINA Sheikhdoms [Tributary to Upper Aulaqi Sultanate]  (Al Hafa-Suk Al-Saidi)Local: Mashaykiat al-DATHĪNAH : مشيخة‎ دثينة‎ (ar) + Tribal Confederation of DATHINA (en)  (Al-Hafa-Suk As-Saidi)
DHALEA Amiri Emirate of DHALA [British Protectorate]  (Dhala)Local: Imārat Aḍ-ḌĀLI´ : إمارة الضالع (ar) + Emirate of DHALA (en)  (Dhala)
DHUBI Sheikhdom of DHUBI [British Protectorate]  (Dhi Sura)Local: Al-Mashyakha AD-DUBIYYA : مشيخة الضُبي (ar) + Sheikhdom of AL-DHUBI (en)  (Dhi Surah)
EASTERN ADEN States of EASTERN ADEN Protectorates  (Mukalla)Local: EASTERN ADEN Protectorates (en) + Maḥmiyyat ´ADAN ASH-SHARQ : محمية عدن المحميات (ar)  (Al-Mukalla)
FADHLI FADHLI Sultanate of Zinjibar [British Protectorate]  (Shukra)Local: Al-Saltana AL-FADLIYYA : السلطنة الفضلية (ar) + FADHLI Sultanate (en)  (Shuqrah)
HAURA Dhiebi Sheikhdom of HAURA [British Protectorate]  (Haura)Local: Dhiebi Sheikhdom of HAURA (en) + Mashyakhat AL-HAWRA´ : المشيخة من الحوراء (ar)  (Hawra)
IRKA Dhiebi Sheikhdom of IRKA [British Protectorate]  (Irka)Local: Dhiebi Sheikhdom of IRKA (en) + Mashyakhat AL-´IRQAH : مشيخة آل عرقة (ar)  (Al-´Irqah)
KATHIRI KATHIRI Sultanate of Seiyun in Hadhramaut [British Protectorate]  (Seiyun)Local: KATHIRI State of Seiyun in Hadhramaut (en) + Saltanat Ay´un AL-KATHIRIYYA Hadramawt : السلطنة الكثيرية – سيؤن – حضرموت (ar)  (Sayun)
LOWER AULAQI LOWER AULAQI Sultanate of Ahwar [British Protectorate]  (Ahwar)Local: LOWER AULAQI Sultanate of Hawar (en) + Al-Saltana AL-`AWLAQIYYA AL-SUFLA : سلطنة العوالق السفلى (ar)  (Ahwar)
LOWER YAFA Banu Afif Sultanate of LOWER YAFA [British Protectorate]  (Jaar)Local: Bani `Afif Sultanate of LOWER YAFA´I (en) + Salṭanat YĀFI‘ AS-SUFLÁ : سلطنة يافع السفلى (ar)  (Ja´ar)
MAHRA Mahri Sultanate of QISHN AND SOCOTRA [British Protectorate]  (Tamrida + Qishn)Local: Mahri Sultanate of QISHN AND SOCOTRA (en) + Salṭanat al-Mahrah fī QISHN WA SUQUṭRAH : سلطنة المهرة في قشن وسقطرة (ar)  (Tamrida + Qishn)
MAUSATA State of MAUSATA  (Qudmah)Local: Dawlat MAWSATAH : دولة الموسطة (ar) + State of MAWSATA (en)  (Al-Qudmah)
QUAITI QUAITI Sultanate of Shihr and Mukalla [British Residency]  (Mukalla + Shihr)Local: QU´AITI Sultanate of Shihr and Mukalla : Quaiti State in Hadhramaut (en) + Al-Salṭanah AL-QU´AYṭĪYAH fī-l Shihr wa Al-Mukallā : سلطنة الشحر والمكلاا (ar)  (Al-Mukalla + Ash-Shihr)
SOCOTRA AND DEPENDENCIES British Protectorate of SOCOTRA AND DEPENDENCIES  (Tamrida)Local: British Protectorate of SOCOTRA AND DEPENDENCIES (en) + SUQUTRAH : سقطرى وتبعيات (ar)  (Tamrida)
SUBAYHI Sultanate of SUBAYHI [Subayhi Sheikhdoms under Lahej Suzerainty]  (Subeihi)Local: SUBEYHI Sultanate (en) + Salṭanat Aṣ-ṢUBAYḥI : سلطنة الصبيحي (ar)  (As-Subayhi)
UPPER AULAQI OF MAAN UPPER AULAQI Sheikhdom of Maan [British Protectorate]  (Yashbum + Said)Local: UPPER AULAQI Sheikhdom (en) + Al-Mashyakha AL-`AWLAQIYYA AL-`ULYA : مشيخة العوالق العليا (ar)  (Yashbum + As-Sa´id)
UPPER AULAQI OF NISAB UPPER AULAQI Sultanate of Nisab [British Protectorate]  (Nisab)Local: UPPER AULAQI Sultanate (en) + Al-Saltana AL-`AWLAQIYYA AL-`ULYA : سلطنة العوالق العليا (ar)  (Nisab)
UPPER YAFA Sultanate of UPPER YAFA [British Protectorate]  (Mahjaba)Local: Sultanate of UPPER YAFA (en) + Saltanat YAFA` AL-ULYA : سلطنة يافع العليا (ar)  (Mahjabah)
WAHIDI BALHAF AND AZZAN Wahidi Sultanate of BALHAF AND AZZAN [British Protectorates]  (Balhaf + Azzan)Local: Saltanat al-Wahidiyya BA AL-HAF WA ´AZZAN : سلطنة الواحدي في بلحاف والأذان (ar) + Wahidi Sultanate of BAL HAF AND AZZAN (en)  (Ba Al-Haf + ´Azzan)
WAHIDI-BIR ALI AMAQUIN Wahidi Sultanate of BIR ALI AMAQUIN [British Protectorate]  (Bir Ali)Local: Saltanat al-Wahidiyya BI´R ´ALI ´AMAQIN : سلطنة الواحدي بير علي اماكن (ar) + Wahidi Sultanate of BIR ALI AMAQIN (en)  (Bir Ali)
WAHIDI-HABBAN Wahidi Sultanate of HABBAN [British Protectorate]  (Habban)Local: Saltanat al-Wahidiyya HABBAN : سلطنة الواحدي حبان (ar) + Wahidi Sultanate of HABBAN (en)  (Habban)
WESTERN ADEN States of the WESTERN ADEN Protectorates  (Houta-Lahej The Green)Local: WESTERN ADEN Protectorates (en) + Muhmiat ADAN AL-GHARBIA : محمية عدن الغربية (ar)  (Al Houta-Lahej Al-Khathra)

Other Independent or Semi-Independent Polities within the 2024's internationally recognized Country boundaries:

YEMEN Mutawakkilite Kingdom of YEMEN  (Sana)

Other Territories or Entities within the 2024's internationally recognized Country boundaries:

HANISH ISLANDS HANISH ISLANDS Group : Zukur-Hanish Archipelago  (Hanish Al-Kebir)
MANAHIL MANAHIL Tribes Territory  (Thamud)
SHEIKH SAID French Colony of SHEIKH SAID Territory  (Sheikh Said)
WAILA AND YAM Territory of WAILA AND YAM  (Marwan)

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UPDATED ON: ~ 2024-JUN-09 ~ .